Chapter- Twenty- Two

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Surrounded by demons

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Surrounded by demons.

"Prove it," I whisper back, Storm tries to touch me and I move back and I see the hurt in his eyes. "Prove you're a demon," I say.

"Kathri--" Storm starts but I shake my head and move back.

"No, you're not going to make me go crazy. If you are truly a demon, I want you to prove it." I say and Storm clears his throat and stares into my eyes.

"Are you sure you would be able to handle it? Are you sure you wouldn't run when you see me in my true form?" With each step Storm takes closer to me, I take the same until he stops. I nod as a response to all his questions.

"When I'm in my demon form, I'm feral. If you try to run I'll chase you down. And I honestly don't know what I would do when you're caught but it wouldn't be anything good. I'm not me when I'm in my demon form. I'm different, I'm a predator." Storm takes a pause.

"Storm you're scaring me. Just show me your demon form." I say he nods and takes in a deep breath.

Storm closes his eyes and when he snaps them open, they aren't their usual baby blue, instead, they are black no sign of any whiteness just dark, like an endless pit of darkness. Slowly he increases in height and he becomes more muscular, his hair silver grows longer, his hands turn into claws, the expansion of his body makes his clothes rip off but somehow he isn't completely naked.

I- I couldn't believe a full-grown demons stand in front of me with predatory eyes. His eyes stare at me paying attention to every little movement my body makes, it's like he's ready for an attack. A pair of black big horns sit on his head. As shakingly stare into his dark eyes, I couldn't see Storm instead it feels like a different person stands in front of me and the Storm that I know isn't there.

Demon Storm moves closer to me and a hiccup escapes my lips as I realize he could hurt me and no one would know, since no one is here, and I doubt anyone could fight a demon. I mean what would they even use? A baseball bat?

I scoff inwardly and pay more attention to the demon stalking towards me, my lips quiver. "S- Storm," I call out and he stops and tilts his heads to the right before he couldn't his journey towards me.

Now he stands so close to me that I'm scared of breathing, heart hammers in my chest as Storm towers over me, compared to his size I look like a rat.

Slowly he raises a claw and pushes my hair behind my ear and inhales me, he then frowns and I get worried I've done something wrong, and he's going to eat me now.

Oh, no!

"You're scared." His voice is deeper and more gruffer than usual.

No shit Sherlock! Of course, I'm scared, I mean I'm standing in front of a predator that is a creature that no one believes even exists. Is what I wish to scream, but for the sake of my life I settle with a simple, "Y-yes."

"Why?" The curiosity in his tone surprises me.

"Well, you're much bigger than me. You're a predator and I'm like your prey. You're capable of hurting me." I answer and he narrows his dark eyes.

"What makes you think I'd hurt?"

"I don't know, I guess it's a way the brain works. It considers anything big and unknown scary and capable of hurting someone." Demon Storm softly caresses my cheek with a claw then he drops his hands when he realizes my breaths came out in pants.

I could see I had offended him when I told him I thought he would hurt me, so I raise up my hand and shakingly touch his cheek, his skin is hard and thick between my fingers, his eyes brighten up with joy but I drop my hand in fear when I see lava? Dripping out of his cheeks.

Demon Storm pulls my hands back up and rests his cheeks on my palm, "The lava wouldn't hurt you." He assures, and he's right, the lava cools my hand. In the process of snuggling in my palm in snaps his eyes open and step back like I had burnt him.

He closes his eyes, when he snaps it open again he returns to normal. His eyes are blue again and he's still taller than me but not like he's demon form, his clothes are tatted and he sighs.

"You're really a demon." Storm nods.

"I have so many questions," I say.

"They'll have to wait, I need some time to myself." Storm says and leaves my apartment.

I flop on my couch with a sigh and run my hands through my hair. I almost yell when I hear knocks on my door, "Who is it?"

"Kaden." He sings and I chuckle a bit before I open the door. Kaden steps in wearing ripped jeans and a black T-shirt. "We're going out!"

"Kaden, the weather is cold and I'm so tired," I answer him, he shakes his head.

"Fine we're staying in, oh and Sabrina said she's going to stay over at her date's place. Which leads me to the question when did she get a date?" I pick up my phone and dial her number.

I doubt it's safe to stay over just like that.

"Heyyyy." Her voice comes through, I hear the background beat and I conclude she's at a party.

"You said you were going on a date." I tell her.

"I am on a date. We just happen to love dates with loud music when I come tomorrow I'll give you a report--" she giggles, "I have to go. Bye." The call gets disconnected and Kaden moves about in our apartment.

"She's crazy." Kaden points out and I nod. "So what are we doing?" He asks cheerfully.

"Baking." I say and he groans, "Yup, now follow me." Kaden follows me murmuring but I ignored him.

Kaden stops me before we get to the kitchen, "Can you hear that?" He asks and that's when I feel a little bit of vibration below my feet. Kaden pulls me back as the ground explodes.

We cough at the smoke and notice people crawling out of the hole where the explosion took place, when they stagger forward I discover they aren't people, they are demons similar to the ones that attack Storm and Me.

Kaden pulls me behind him, and I watch in shock as he increases in height, and his hands are replaced by claws.

At that moment Storm rushes in, he stares at Kaden- I mean, demon Kaden, then his gaze moves to the demons continued crawling out. Storm's eyes turn black while Kaden is in demon form.

I am really surrounded by demons. Great!


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