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Football game & Accidents

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Football game & Accidents.

"Have you gone to the beach lately?" Sabrina's question makes me spit out the water in my mouth. "W-what?" I ask wiping my mouth with the back of my sleeve. "Y'know, the beach you go to when you're upset."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I get up to clean the water that spilled on the floor. How does she know I go to the beach to cry?

"C'mon, I know you go there. Look I need this for an assignment if I fail this assignment I'm going to fail this subject this semester" Sabrina is a journalism major, she enjoys writing articles about things that are a
mystery to everyone.

I don't doubt she would be a very good journalist. "I followed you once- in my defense, I was worried about you, each time you get upset. You disappear so I followed you just to be sure you don't murder people when you're upset" she shrugs at the last part. Narrowing my eyes I ask "What made you think I'd ever kill a person,"

"Don't you watch TV? So when was the last time you went to the beach?" She types something in her laptop and faces me with a serious expression that scared me, "I went when Cooper and I last broke up, not up to a month ago" I answer as I open a bottle of water.

Sabrina rolls her eyes, "Okay, that was around the time the person died," she punches the keys on her laptop then faces me again, "What, what person?" I ask, "When was the last time you watched an actual TV and not Netflix?" I shrug, "I can't remember,"

"A person was reported dead, no one has an idea of how he died, he was burnt, bloodied, and disfigured." I raise an eyebrow.

When did I become oblivious to things like this?

"I'm asking you these questions, to know a part of the story, I need to have a full mark that would cover all my other failed assignments and tests" she wails. "Pick something else or you make up something," I pull my top over my head.

Sabrina gasps suddenly then send me a deadly glare, "The first rule of being a journalist is never making up fake stories, I'm trying to be an author I want to be a journalist!"

"Jeez calm down Sab" She snaps her laptop shut, "He's hurt you more than times I can count" tension rolls into the room. All-day I've been trying to avoid the memories of how Cooper hurt me so I could forgive him and start as he had asked.

I remember when he would blatantly reject the idea of dating me in front of his friends, how he would hold other girls in my presence then apologize to me in private claiming he didn't want me to receive hate for dating him, I stupidly believed and agreed with everything he said, after all, I was the new girl in town and I was really excited that the school's golden boy took an interest in me.

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