Chapter- Nine

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Dinner with Storm

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Dinner with Storm.

Early morning birds are usually very chirpy, and the sun is usually bright in the morning, and I wish I could wake up to that beautiful sight. But I'm woken up by Sabrina's loud speak blaring music followed by her voice getting the lyrics very wrong.

Obviously from the way she sings, she doesn't care who she disturbs with her songs or voice, she sings at whichever volume she finds pleasing.

A groan escapes my lips before I mumble out curses, I had the worst day yesterday. I finally decided to let Cooper know about the one night stand I had and he didn't take the information well. At all.

Hell, he almost threw a flower vase at me when I pleaded with him to listen to my explanation but nope, I narrowly escaped the vase.

To top that, Storm almost chocked me to death and I don't mean that sexually, he actually had the look of a killer in his eyes, speaking of eyes, I think he's eyes changed colors when I was at the brink of death and I'm not exaggerating, I'm sure I still have his fingerprints around my neck.

It was truly the worst day, I think I had a dream of Storm being in my room, then again it might be a dream due to the stress of yesterday.

And I wake up to some rock music and the annoying voice of my roommate, I yank the covers off my body and walk into the bathroom. And I'm shocked at my clear skin, last night the skin on my neck was red. I rub my neck and I surprisingly don't feel any pain. I take my bath and smile at my healing.

After my bath, Sabrina is still singing at a very high volume and I frown then I roll my eyes as I realize she doesn't have classes this morning unlike me. I put on a black stretchy dress that reaches my knee a red tongue was printed on it then I put on my black boots.

The songs stop as I pull the plug out and I glare at Sabrina, "Thank you! I was beginning to wonder if you were enjoying the noise she was making" Wesley rolls his eyes, the background of his room shows in the video call.

Sabrina crosses her arms, "Really? Was that necessary?" I shrug, "You were disturbing everyone else." I answer as I pick up my usual brown leather bag.

"Cooper didn't sleepover?" Sabrina asks, I grow stiff and nod, "We, uh, kinda got into a fight then we sorta broke up. I think" I say.

"Pay up!" Sabrina snaps her finger at Wesley who pouts and crosses his arms.

"You guys couldn't wait two more days? I can't pay up because I'm at my house" I narrow my eyes at both of them.

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