Chapter- Fifteen

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Lucifer and Storm

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Lucifer and Storm.

One of the rules Storm was given as a child was never feel. Don't feel guilty, don't feel pity, and never regret. Storm once hated that particular rule but the more he grew and the more he was punished he realized that rule was the only one that could protect him and he had always abided by that rule never broke that rule.

But he did, he broke that particular rule for her without even realizing it. The hate, the anger, the fear, and the disappointment in her eyes are engraved in his head. The words she uttered as she laid on the hospital bed after the explosion shattered his heart that night.

For the first time in years, Storm felt guilty, the fear in her eyes broke his heart, the hate in her eyes shattered his stone-cold heart.

Storm placed the glass on his lips and took a sip of the drink, he was far consumed in his thoughts that the loud club music couldn't pull him out despite his superhearing.

He kept ordering shots, hoping to get drunk enough to escape the feeling of guilt. "Hey," a female voice went through his ears he lazily stared at her.

She was wearing a red bodycon dress that stopped mid-thigh and her heels made her look taller, she was a redhead which made Storm sigh.

"What?" His words were lazy yet rude.

"I saw you sitting here lonely and I wanted to keep you company." She moved closer to him and his eyes went to her exposed blossoms.

He inhaled and got a whiff of her soul, it wasn't as pure as Katherine's, heck he doubted he would ever get a soul like hers. Storm shook his head to stop himself from thinking about her so he crushed his lips on the girl.

And just like he had expected she kissed him back just as fierce. He pulled her closer to him as his hands roamed her body, he continued kissing her despite knowing she was trying to catch her breath.

She broke them apart and took a deep breath, "There's a hotel opposite this club." She panted and followed behind Storm as they left the hotel. "I have a room booked here already." She said as they got to the hotel, she collected her keys and dragged Storm with her to the room.

In the elevator they kissed, Storm handled her roughly without bothering if she got hurt and the girl didn't complain instead she moaned at each pain he brought to her. As the elevator doors opened Storm was welcomed by shock.

The person stood in front of him with a smile, "Thanks Eunice, I'll take it from here." Lucifer waved at the girl who nodded and left.

The hotel room was a suite, with nymphs dancing while manipulating water, a big white couch was in the middle, "Hello son," Lucifer dragged out the 'o' and Storm rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?!" He spat and Lucifer feigned hurt.

"You mean you aren't happy to see me?" Lucifer snapped his fingers and he was handed a flute, he placed the glass on his lips and sighed.

"It's really difficult to find humans with pure souls these days, right?" Storm stayed quiet not having a clue of what Lucifer meant.

"I mean I understand why you find the need to keep her for yourself." Lucifer took a seat.

"What are you talking about?" Storm asked in a frustrated tone. His patience was slipping away the more time he spent staring at the man who created him.

"Oh? You're still confused, well let me start from the beginning." Lucifer dramatically cleared his throat, the look in Storm's eye made a nymph fall on her knees and Lucifer snapped his fingers making them all disappear.

"When you escaped, not only were your guards affected every demon in hell was also affected some even died and I knew it wasn't you alone who could have saved yourself-- I mean you could have saved yourself a long time ago but you refused so what changed?" Lucifer chuckled at Storm.

"I checked all the victims and realized you didn't kill any of them, the method was very different-- you are a messy killer meaning you don't just let them bleed, you butcher them but they weren't butcher. So I sent a demon to spy on you-- of course, you killed him but not before he delivered to me the name of a girl. And I wondered what you would want with her, I put the pieces together and I still couldn't figure it out not until the ball." Storm clenched his fist in anger, Lucifer saw this and chuckled.

"Her soul is so pure, it's white with a blue tip. Her soul is so fragile, so light-- like she has never committed a sin--"

"Stay away from Kathrine!" Storm moved closer. His horns were growing and his skin made a low hissing sound as they began peeling.

"I kissed her, just to find out what my son wanted with her, and I don't blame you-- I mean her soul is something that I'm sure I would never come across again--" Lucifer opened his mouth as his son was poisoning his insides.

Black gooey substance rushing out of his mouth, "You go near Kathrine again and I assure you it would be the last mistake you would ever make!" Are the last words Storm said to Lucifer before he disappears from the room to his apartment.

Storm knew he couldn't kill Lucifer just like that, In fact, no weapon has been created to end the life of Lucifer but he could still bring pain to him. All Storm needed was time-- time to find the right ingredients and he would erase Lucifer forever.

"I need the witch." Storm said into the phone as he paced his living room.

"I'll send a location," the other person answered gruffly.

Storm got into his car after he received a text informing him of the location, he drove to the location and tried to calm his anger by taking a deep breath.

He entered the building only visible to supernatural, there laid the witch glaring at every demon in the room, "I'm guessing your plan didn't go well," the witch smirked, which added fuel to Storm anger.

"You are going to kill that baby now!" He said to her and she shook her head.

"I'm not ready to start a war with demons, forget the child--" in one moment Storm sped to her and wrapped his hands around her throat.

"In one squeeze I can end your life." Storm spoke smugly.

"You kill me and you'll never know who drugged your precious Kathrine, you kill me and you'll never get answers to your questions about her," The witch bravely spoke, her chin rose as she saw his face fall.

Storm reluctantly released her and crossed his arms, "Speak."

"Halloween is coming which is also known as the day all supernatural loose control, every demon will be out there looking for her you must protect her at all cost--"

"She's perfectly capable of protecting herself and if she's not, well it was nice knowing her." Storm smiled sarcastically.

"She's the only one that can end Lucifer." The witch continued, "And she was drugged by Mateo tell him to get himself under control."

Storm stayed quiet as he tried to understand that the same girl who saved him from the dungeon is the same girl that would be able to end his father.

"And if you're not careful she'll end you along with him,"

Just great.


That's it for this chapter!

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Thanks. Have a wonderful day/Night

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