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"Hmmm," Emily stands back from my bland wardrobe and inspects. "What about this?" She questions as she yanks on an old denim boiler suit.

"Yeah!" Remy shouts from my bed. "That's cute, I like that a lot."

She had said that about everything Emily had pulled from my wardrobe but I knew none of my clothes were their style, I could tell by the pile of clothes at Emily's feet. "You don't have to say you like every single thing you know," I say as I turn to Remy.

She offers me a sweet smile and I could tell she didn't want to upset me with her opinions but at the end of the day, they were her opinions. She was dressed in a white summer dress, strapped and short but flowy. Matched with some cute little boots and a leather jacket.

Definitely not my style but she looked good in it.

"I say the boiler suit," Emily nods as she chucks it at me.

"You sure?" I ask as I catch it between my hands.

Remy hums. "Yeah, with your converse. That will look good for sure."

"Okay," I say as I take both of their advice.

"When are the boys getting here?" Remy directs at Emily.

She shrugs as she attempts to pick up my clothes from the floor. "Not sure," she says. "Maybe I'll text Carter."

"What did your parents say about having us over?" Remy questions as she stands from the bed and looks at herself in the mirror.

"Jake spoke to his dad, I have no idea about mine," I say hesitantly. "I told them that you girls were coming over but nothing about pre-drinking or whatever."

Remy and Emily share a quick glance and they smile. "What?" I say, my eyes widening slightly.

"You're just so cute," Emily laughs. "'Pre-drinking or whatever'."

A knock at my bedroom turns everyone silent, the door wasn't quite shut but Jake still manages to poke his head around. "They're here," he tells us, the girls both shooting up with excitement.

"You guys go," I tilt my head towards Jake. "I'll get changed,"

"Sure, see you down there," Remy says as she grips my shoulder as she walks past me.

Slipping into the black boiler suit, then brushing through my hair. Scolding myself in my head for not doing something with it before, instead it just looked like a flat mess. Rubbing some cream into my hands and running it through my red hair, attempting any kind of volume.

Diving onto my hands and knees to grab my converse from under my bed and throwing them onto my feet, double knotting the laces. Taking one quick glance at myself in the mirror, no more than a second because there would be a million things I'd want to change but have zero time.

The sound of Remy laughing loudly was the first thing I heard as I shut my bedroom door behind me, and taking the stairs down to the kitchen.

"Myla!" Zack shouts as he comes bounding over, giving me a big unneeded hug.

I awkwardly pat him on the back, Carter coming over to do the same. "How much have you guys already drunk?" I laugh at their actions.

Carter holds his hand up to me, showing me between his thumb and index finger how 'much' they had to drink. "This much," he comments before shrugging it off.

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