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I woke up in the best mood, who knew a boy could have such an influence on your emotions? As the sun beamed into my room stupidly early, my body laid in my bed and thought over this weekends events.

Kissing Jake twice, feeling closer to him than ever. I guess this is what feeling like one of those giddy teenagers in romance movies feels like, the butterflies and everything. It was real and honestly, I couldn't believe it.

Dragging myself out of bed and throwing on an oversized jumper and leggings, taking myself downstairs to the delicious smell of waffle mix and fresh strawberries. No surprise both my dads were up early making breakfast at stupid o'clock on a Monday.

"Hello my love," Evan beams as he notices me walk down the stairs.

"Good morning guys,"

"Nice to see you up so early," Caleb comments as I meet them by the island.

"Yeah the sun woke me up, as per usual." I say leaning down onto my forearms.

"Well maybe we need to get you some better blinds," Evan nods towards me. "Or we coul—"

"What is that smell?" Caleb says instantly, turning his nose up in the air.

My face falls into confusion, not being able to smell anything but the amazing food they were currently making. The sound of my stomach gargling was out of hand and I wanted nothing more than to dig in with them.

Caleb drops the knife down onto the side and walks round the island, towards me. He leans over and sniffs me deeply. "Erm, dad?" I say, recoiling from his strange behaviour.

"I knew it!" He shouts, pulling away from me. His eyes turning heavy, a look of anger on his face. "You think you can hide shit like this from us?"

"What are you talking about?!" I exclaim as I take a step away from him.

He points an accusing finger at me. "Jake's scent that is over every inch of you."

"What?" My mouth gapes open. "Are you kidding me right now?"

"No Myla, I am not kidding you." His thick brows furrow towards me in irritation.

"Jake and I are friends, I've been hanging out with his friendship group. Is that such a crime? I'm so sorry if I smell of him because I've been hanging out with him and his friends!" My voice raises, Evan stands on the other side of the kitchen with concern all over his face.

"I'm not an idiot," he folds his arms over his chest. "I know for a fact no scent is rubbed off with that much extent from 'hanging out'."

"Well you're wrong," I stand my ground.

"Guys please," Evan pleads as he stands beside me. "Lets not get into an argument over this."

"Don't you think that I know when you come home at god knows what time in the morning with him?" He grounds out, deep frown lines on his face. "I hear you laughing and chatting and staying up doing whatever teenagers your age do. I'm not stupid Myla."

My teeth grit at his sudden outburst. There was no need for this right now, especially not so early in the morning. "You don't know anything," I breathe out harshly.

"Can I remind you that he has a mate out there Myla!" His hands expand beside his body in an exaggerated gesture. "Do you know how this could end? How this could effect you in the end?"

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