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PS. don't kill me for this chapter lols


Sneaking around with Jake was fun, ducking and diving between each others rooms and showering endlessly. It felt naughty and I loved the rush, like we were up to no good. Technically we were but realistically it was harmless, we both wanted to do it and both consented, so what was so bad about it?

The sex was a thousand times better than the first couple times, I felt like a rabbit who wanted it all the time. Or maybe I was craving the feeling of being with Jake, feeling so vulnerable yet so safe with him. I liked that I hadn't done this with anyone before and now here we are, doing it all round the clock.

It was nice to know that he was enjoying it as much as I was, I mean he was coming every round so he can't be having that bad of a time.

Remy's party was this weekend and I was excited to get out of the house and be with Jake without being questioned. The gang have sort of realised what has been happening between us, Remy continuously asking for all the details at work but I made it out to seem like we were just having sex and that was it.

I hated the thought of Jake telling Zack and Carter all the details of what went on between us, so that's what I tell Remy and she understood. What happened was between us and it was secret, it made our slow growing relationship feel special. Whatever our relationship currently was.

Coming home from work on Friday after three o'clock in the afternoon, noticing that Oakley wasn't sitting in his cat house or on the patio. I stare for a moment, he probably has gone for a stroll or out hunting. But then I remembered, I didn't see him this morning either.

Showering to rid myself of the alley, the air-conditioning still wasn't fixed and I didn't even want to know what I smelt like. Quickly getting dressed to take another look outside, Oakley nowhere to be seen.

Caleb and Evan were stood in the kitchen, Evan's hand wrapped around a mug of something hot, the steam wafting up into the air.

"Have you guys seen Oakley?" I question as I waltz over to the kitchen island.

Stopping Caleb midway through a sentence. "We're talking Myla," he says bluntly.

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "I'm just asking you a question. I put his breakfast out and he hasn't even eaten it."

"No," Caleb says quickly. "I haven't."

"Not at all?" I say as I flick my eyes over to Evan. "I'm worried."

"Oh my God," Caleb groans out angrily. "Myla, I don't care about your stupid cat."

My head recoils at his unnecessary tone.

"Caleb," Evan says instantly, shaking his head in the process.

"There are a million other things in the world that are more important than that rat," he says as he points over to the door.

"I don't know why you have to be such a ass to me," I say, my voice lowering slightly. "I was literally just asking a question."

Hating how my heart started to burn in pain, why Caleb and I never got on was beyond me. I can never do anything right.

"Don't worry Myla," Evan says loudly as he meets me by the kitchen island, Caleb's eyes watching him. "I'll help you look."

Caleb sighs and I rip my eyes away from him before I start spurring words I didn't mean. Evan grips onto my arm and leads me out of the house, his hand soothingly rubbing up and down my back.

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