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Remy helped me get Jake into the taxi, the journey no longer than a couple of minutes but I physically couldn't carry him, his large height enough to send anyone over. By the time we pull up outside our house Jake starts grunting loudly, I could tell that his body was uncomfortable with whatever was going on inside of him.

The taxi driver asks if we are okay and I nod, throwing Jake's bodyweight over my shoulder and dragging him to the front door. Praying that none of our parents were still up, I couldn't be bothered for a million questions. He starts to slip down my body and I huff out. "Jake please, try and co-operate with me." My voice strains as I grip onto his hand for dear life.

Pushing open the front door and guiding Jake over to the couches, taking a lot longer than expected but eventually I let him down. His body falling straight onto the pillows, head deep into the material. He groans out and shuffles ever so slightly, it felt like the roles had reversed. Only a week ago Jake was looking after me, typical teenagers I think to myself.

Fetching him a bottle of water and a bucket in case he needed to vomit, Jake looked severely uncomfortable against the couch. Lifting up his arms so that I could peel his denim jacket from him, laying him on his side with the bucket directly in front of him.

His eyes were firmly shut, my hand wrapping around his wrist. "What are we gonna do with you, hmm?" I say softly, repeating what Jake had said to me last week as I puked up in the toilet.

The corner of Jake's lips curve up, he could hear me. Maybe not interact with me but at least he could hear what I was saying. For an hour or so I let him sleep, not leaving his side once. Remy texts me asking if everything is okay, I wasn't sure what to say because I had no idea what was up with Jake or if he was just stupidly drunk.

When it reaches midnight Jake begins to twitch and I instantly sit up on my knees to look at him. Noticing how he now cracks one of his eyes open, looking rather spaced out and confused. "Hey," I whisper softly to him.

He looks around the room slowly, I could literally feel how he was feeling and I would rather be me than him right now. His eyes gravitate to the bottle of water in my hands and I quickly rip off the lid to hand it to him, taking gradual sips.

"Are you okay?" I question as his head falls back to the pillow with force.

"No," he groans out and my lips fall into a small frown.

"Did you take something tonight?"

Jake's eyes almost roll into the back of his head, scaring me for a second before they open and look directly at me. He was still completely wasted and the only thing that could cure this right now was sleep.

"I don't know," he gets out slowly, his voice dry as hell.

"Do you remember anything?" I ask as I shuffle forwards on my ass so I was now sitting directly in front of him.

His brows furrow as he begins to think, his brain working extra time to figure his shit out. But in the end he sighs and shakes his head. "What a-are you doing here?" He questions, sounding confused.

"Remy rung me to say you were really intoxicated and I was worried about you."

Jake's eyes fall and he attempts to push himself up from the couch but he didn't have the strength. "Here let me help you," I rush to my knees and hold up his body so he can rest it on the back of the couch. "Better?"

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