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Oakley was officially mine, he had no microchip and there were no lost cat flyers in the foyer of the vets. So now he was officially mine.

Caleb tried his best to cover his disappointment but I could see through him, his face never looked inviting and right now he looked like he wanted to murder the cat. Evan had convinced him to let Oakley stay in the house whilst we built him a shelter outside, I was afraid he would run off and I'd never see him again.

"You best believe you're going to need to get a job if you want to fund that cat," Caleb says as he watches Evan dump the keys onto the counter.

"I will," I shoot back sourly. Oakley was firmly in my hands, resting gently with his paws on my shoulders. "Like you said, I'm the adult now."

"Put that thing in the living room before it starts snooping round our stuff," Caleb grumbles. "And shut the door whilst you're at it."

"God," I let out as I pass Evan. "How the fuck did you marry him?"

Evan shoots me a glare but it was about the swearing and not my comment. "Just be glad he's agreed to this, yeah?" He whispers as I stop by his shoulder.

"I guess," I sigh before taking Oakley to the living room. Letting him down gently onto the floor and watching as he jumps up onto the couch and curling into a ball in the corner.

My heart wanted to melt just looking at him, he was so fucking cute and I just wanted to squish him. Evan slips his head around the door and enters the room, his eyes instantly finding Oakley. "Hey," he says.

"Hi," I say as I sit down on the opposite couch.

"So I know your dad mentioned about getting a job and I know that it will be a good idea for you to get about the town," he continues gently. "I saw an advertisement outside the bowling alley on the way home, maybe you should apply. It says that they are urgently requiring someone."

"I didn't even see a bowling alley on the way home," I say as I furrow my eyebrows towards him.

"Werewolf vision," Evan says instantly and I nod towards him. "But anyway, then you can get some time away from us and earn a bit of your own money."

"Yeah I know dad," I agree with him. "I don't want to sponge off you guys forever."

"Well I was thinking that if you printed out your resume, we could drop it over there this afternoon and whilst we are at it pop into the pet shop." He says as he eventually perches on the arm of the couch next to Oakley.

"Really?" My voice perks up.

He nods quickly. "Yeah, just don't tell your father because he might just hit the roof,"

A grin stretches out onto my face. "You're the best," I say as I stand up and rush to wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly.

Evan laughs and attempts to hug me back. "I know you need an extra bit of comfort right now, especially moving so far from everything."

"Thanks for understanding dad, I appreciate it,"

He hugs me a little bit tighter and a burst of gratefulness spreads throughout my body, feeling warm that I had someone who understood me.

. . .

"See I told you it said they were urgent for staff," Evan says as he points at the advertisement in the window. My eyes take a quick glance at it and notice the words 'NEEDED' written in bright red text.

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