twenty eight

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When I woke up, the world felt somewhat easier. After last night things felt clearer in my mind, Jake said that he loves me. The word love means a lot to me and I didn't want to say something that I didn't feel yet. I like Jake a lot, he has made my life become a show of neon lights and flash memories but I knew I was completely falling for him.

I wanted to be honest with myself, honest with him. The last thing I wanted to do was lie to him, especially this soon into our blooming relationship. I was excited to see him today, although I was concerned with how he was going to be feeling this morning. Hopefully his hangover or comedown wouldn't be too bad.

During the day I didn't see him at all which made me think he must have been sleeping heavily, I wanted to go and disturb him but I knew better. Maybe he wanted to be alone.

So to stall time, I spent crafting some wood in the afternoon and taking my wandering mind off certain matters. Listening to music from the 80s, sanding down and varnishing a finished plant pot that I made. A glowing sensation burns through my chest knowing that I had created something so perfect by myself.

Slipping into the kitchen to grab myself some water, gasping for a drink considering it was boiling outside. My eyes catch Jake as he stomps down the stairs, not once looking my way. "Hey," I call out to him, loud enough so that he could hear.

But as he reaches the bottom step he turns and walks towards the front door. My eyebrows furrow at his strange behaviour, was he really ignoring me? "Jake," I call out for him again but he opens the door and slams it behind him.

My eyes blink back in shock. "What the fuck?" I curse to myself as I shake my head in disbelief, was he really doing this right now?

For a few moments I stand still, staring back at the door trying to gather in my head what just happened. Dumping my glass of water down onto the side and leaning down onto my palms, swishing my lips over my teeth. My brain deep in thought.

He could possibly be upset with what happened with Roxi, I mean anyone would be. That's a terrifying thought knowing that you were seconds away from being assaulted and you had no idea. Maybe he regrets what he said to me, or maybe he doesn't remember at all. He might have no recollection of our conversation and still thinks that I don't want us to talk.

My brain begins to pulsate at the forefront of my mind, I hated over thinking things. I just wanted to know what was going on in that brain of his, desperate to take a step in and understand him.

Jake wasn't out for long, Caleb made Evan and I dinner and we had a little family night. I offered to wash up because I wanted to help out, Caleb sounded grateful which made me feel warm inside. They were both in the living room picking  a movie for us to watch together tonight.

As my hand scrub at the pan's in the sink, the front door cracks open behind me. Jake's face like thunder, frustrated wasn't even the word. He looked mad, I wanted to know at who.

Dumping the pan into the water and wiping my hands onto my jeans, whipping my head around to him. "Jake," I call out again but he refuses to look at me. "What the hell is going on?"

Jake's foot takes the first step upstairs, my hands now finding my hips like I was about to tell him off for being home late. He lowers his gaze and races up the stairs.

"Jake!" I shout but before I know it he's disappeared, his bedroom door shutting loudly. "That motherfucker." I grumble under my breath as I drown my hands back into the water and begin scrubbing at the pan aggressively.

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