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I didn't even realise that it was currently two in the morning until Carter decided to be the first to call it a night, completely forgetting that I had to go home and for one, how I was going to get there safely.

"Yeah me too," Jake agrees as he shuffles off the couch awkwardly. He was extremely stoned, all three of them but no one wanted to admit it.

"Woah, woah, woah," Remy holds her hands up to touch Jake's shoulders, stopping him in his tracks. "You guys need to walk Myla home, there is no way I'm letting her do it alone."

Remy meant business as she folds her arms over her chest and raises her eyebrows, waiting for one of them to say anything. "Sure," Carter nods as he lingers by the door.

"We'll walk," Jake says eventually and I quickly turn my head towards him. "We live the same way."

I wasn't quite sure why he was lying about the fact we lived together, maybe it was too complicated to explain. Or maybe they're not werewolves and have no idea about his background.

"Great," Remy nods, her eyes looked tired and I'm almost sure my eyes looked the same. Completely forgetting that we had work earlier. "Now please leave, I need to sleep. I'm back at the alley tomorrow and I need some kind of rest."

Stepping forward to Remy as I give her a soft hug. "Thanks for inviting me," I tell her.

"Oh don't be silly, it's been nice having you here. A lot more braincells, that's for sure." She mumbles into my ear and I let out a quiet laugh.

She opens the door for us and we leave, waving goodbye to Carter, Zack and Emily as they turn the opposite direction down the street. Jake and I fall into a slow paced walk side by side, the night wasn't cold but the wind was slightly chilly.

Jake's hands stuffed into his hoodie pockets, head low. "Your friends are nice," I comment in attempt to create some form of conversation.

"Yeah, they're alright when they aren't being idiots," he says, tilting his head towards me slightly.

"How far is the walk?" I question as we turn down a dark alley, dimly lit. My arms raise in goosebumps at how concerning this walk would be alone.

"Not far," he says. "About twenty minutes."

His voice sounded sharp like he wanted the conversation to end there and then so I turn away from him and nod once. The sound of our shoes hitting the floor was the only thing we could hear.

Jake lets out a sigh, almost like this was the most boring thing he had ever done in his life. "Do you really not drink because of what you said?" He says which completely catches me by surprise.

I hum. "Yeah," I say quietly. "It's one of the main reasons."

"What's the other reasons?"

"The consequences,"

"Huh?" Jake's head turns to me, his brows dipped down slightly.

"It's not just becoming an addict or whatever," I quickly clear my throat. "It's the things you can do whilst you're off your head. The people you can hurt."

Jake's eyes linger on me for a few moments, they flick down my attire before focusing on the road in front of us. "So did she hurt you?"


"Your mother," he pauses. "Did she hurt you?"

"Blunt much," I bite back.

He shrugs, a gesture to show that he doesn't care if he's being rash. Maybe he's just nosy or has no filter. "That's what I got from reading you,"

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