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Carter and Zack find me chatting away to some random people, telling me that Remy and Emily have been looking for me everywhere. To be honest I didn't even know I'd gone missing, I just started to flow through the party and enjoy what it felt like to be a teenager.

The alcohol hadn't fully worn off, if anything I felt more tipsy than I did before. "Where you been Myla?" Carter asks as I snap my head towards him.

"Hey guys!" I smile brightly, moving away from the group of people next to me.

"Woah," Zack holds his hands up to grab my shoulders. "Are you high?"

"No!" I say in defence instantly.

"Your eyes are just so bloodshot," he comments as he bends his knees and takes a good look at my face.

"I accidentally had a few drinks," my shoulders shrug.

Carter laughs, slapping his hand down onto Zack's back. "Accidentally?" He sounds highly amused. "How is that even remotely possible?"

My eyes close for a split second before I exhale a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. "You know what, it's a long story." I wave my hand in front of my face. It wasn't a long story, I just didn't want to waste my energy on something that was so irrelevant to the situation because I was enjoying how I was feeling. That's what mattered the most.

"Let's go find the girls," Zack tilts his head in the direction of the kitchen. "They've been looking for you."

I nod my head, my feet charging over to the kitchen like I was on a conveyor belt. Alcohol was a strange drug, substance, whatever you want to call it.

Emily and Remy stand in the kitchen, next to Jake who's on his phone. Remy glances over in our direction and does a double take. "Where have you been?" She shouts and comes rushing to my side.

"Chill," I smile at her. "I'm good, just been chatting to people."

Her blue eyes don't settle, her motherly instincts taking over. She definitely was in charge of the group, making sure everyone got home safe and no one gets spiked. She really cared and I couldn't help hug her tightly, pushing her body back slightly. She seems startled at first but she relaxes and hugs me back.

"I know what some people can be like," she mumbles into my hair. "I didn't want you to get caught up in the middle of something."

I pull back from her and let my fingers grip onto her shoulders. "Thanks for caring about me," I say quietly.

"Always," she smiles back at me before looping an arm around my shoulder and walking back to Emily and Jake. Having now been met with Carter and Zack, we all chat away.

They do more shots and I sit back and watch, not wanting to drink more purposely or overdo it. The guys chant as Carter chugs down a huge bottle of cider, the smell enough to make me vomit.

"Are you okay?" Jake asks from beside me.

My eyes lighting up as I twist to his direction, my red hair flying around in a perfect circle. "Hmmm?" I respond.

Jake inspects me for a moment, his arms folded across his chest as he sucks down onto his bottom lip. "You're acting strange," he comments.

"Yeah, and?"

"Have you taken something?" He questions, narrowing his eyes at me suspiciously.

My eyes roll up and around. "Why do you guys think I've taken drugs?" I say, my voice demanding.

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