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I had no idea what the time was, my phone was currently dead and it was late. Not a clock to be seen. Finding myself wound up at some hostel for the night, needing to get away from the house. Not wanting to see Caleb or listen to him shout at me.

At ten o'clock I find my way home, not realising how far I had actually travelled. Crossing all the way over into the next town, my mind wandered and I walked endlessly. My brain numb from most emotions but I attempted to clear my mind.

Approaching our front door and jamming my keys into the lock, twisting it and walking in. Not expecting Caleb and Evan to be sat at the table, neither of them saying a word.

The sound of the door opening alerts them and Evan jumps up instantly, his eyes looking heavy and tired. "Oh my love you're home," he cries as he runs towards me. "Gosh we were so worried."

He grips onto my shoulder and pulls me into him. "God, you frightened the hell out of us." He curses as he grips me tighter.

I didn't really have much to say, Evan would always be the one who cared the most about me. Watching as Caleb pushes himself from the kitchen table and takes a slow stroll over to us, not wanting to include him in our hug.

Eventually Evan pulls away and holds my face. "Are you okay?" He rushes. "Are you hurt?"

I shake my head and move my body away from him. "No I'm fine, I just needed some time away."

Evan purses his lips and nods towards me, knowing deep down he wanted to ask a million questions but he purposely doesn't. "Okay," he settles for. "Just as long as you're okay."

"Well no I'm not really okay," I mumble.

"I know there are some things we need to discuss as a family," Evan tries again, his voice soft but I shake my head.

"What is there to discuss?" I say bluntly as I turn my attention to Caleb. "You don't even want me so what's the point."

Caleb's eyes fall, they looked even worse than Evan's and I'm glad they did. He deserves to be feeling like shit right now after what he said and how he reacted to me.

"That's not true," Evan shakes his head.

"Why are you speaking for him?" I breathe out as I look between my fathers eyes. "It shouldn't be you who has to explain his faults."

Evan blinks back at me, not sure what to say now.

"She's right," Caleb pitches in as he walks over to us, his arms folded across his chest. "I need to figure this out and settle everything. Not you."

Evan sighs and nods, stepping away so that Caleb and I are now facing each other.

"Myla I'm sorry," Caleb hangs his head slightly, his eyes glassing over like he was ashamed. "What I said was wrong and unacceptable and I completely understand if you don't forgive me. I don't even think I can forgive myself."

I wanted to believe him but I just couldn't, I didn't understand how someone could act so cruelly to someone else. He's meant to be my dad but yet acts like I've ruined his family by being in it.

"Maybe, just maybe I should have died in that fire." I say harshly, earning a gasp from Evan as he shakes his head but I'm not looking at him. My eyes stay firmly on Caleb's who listens to me, his facial expressions fallen. "Would that have made you feel better knowing that I wasn't alive?"

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