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Yes I've really updated again so soon💘 pls leave me a vote ly xo


Time passed but the day wasn't going quick enough, I wanted to feel angry but I genuinely didn't have any emotions. Like I was a blank canvas and nothing was sparking inside of me to express how I was feeling.

Really, I was concerned about Myla. I knew how much Caleb had hurt her last night and yet he still talks to her like she's nothing. I didn't even want to know what my dad and Caleb were saying right now, bitching about us most probably.

When the sun set I decided to get up and get some food, a burning hole in my head triggering an oncoming headache. Zara and Felix were sat at the dinner table, clearing talking between mindlink so that no one could hear them.

Averting my gaze and opening the fridge, feeling their stares on me.

"Jake," my mom breathes out softly. "Let's talk."

I push my tongue into the side of my cheek and slowly rotate round to them, trying to ignore the deathly glare that my dad was currently giving me.

"What is there to talk about?" I mumble bluntly. "We're not going to talk, you're just going to shove your beliefs down my throat. Tell me how much I'm fucking up my life and that I should do what the 'werewolf' world is telling me to do!"

My mom blinks back at my sudden outburst. "Jake please we ar—"

"No Jake," my dads voice roars, cutting the room into silence. "We have told you since birth how important this is to you, to us! If you don't want to be part of the werewolf world then fine, but this is one part of you that will stay with you forever. If you don't find your mate Jake, you'll end up lonely and depressed. No matter how much you believe someone else can fill that hole!"

"How about the fact that my wolf is dying inside of me dad?" My voice raises above his, watching as his eyebrows fall at my rough tone. "How about the fact that I already feel dead as it is inside?"

"Jake," my mom shakes her head, tears building up in her eyes.

"You know nothing about how I feel!" My throat clenches. "All you care about is what you think is right. Well this isn't right for me dad. My wolf is dying! I have no feeling of a mate, or what a mate would feel like. When I'm with Myla he isn't even jealous or sad, he's nothing. He feels nothing."

My dad stares back at me for a moment, his hand clenching onto the chair behind him.

"But Myla is the first person in my life who has made me feel like I'm normal." I drop my voice slightly, the atmosphere turning tense and it made my stomach churn. "I don't have to pretend to be anything when I'm with her, I already feel like I'm me."

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I don't have a mate dad, my wolf doesn't have a mate. Whoever they are, they're either dead or they never existed. There is a massive hole in my heart but it isn't because of me, it's because of my wolf." My voice becomes harsh, tightening my fists at my side.

Both my mom and my dad share a quick glance, my mom wiping away the tears that have struck down her face. My breathing becoming heavier, the last thing I wanted to do was upset her.

"Mom, please don't cry." I say as I drop my head into my hands.

"W-Why didn't you speak to us Jake?" She sobs out. "We are your parents, we want to help you and to understand you."

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