thirty three

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Earlier update this week because I have tomorrow off work until the 7th June as this weekend is my birthday weekend and I need a well deserved rest! So enjoy the early update. Unsure if I'll be able to post next week as I'm on holiday but I hope you can forgive me❤️


Felix passed away late last night.

Caleb and Evan told me when I came downstairs in the morning, seeing them heart broken was painful and then I remembered Zara, Jake and Aria were yet to come home.

My lips tremble at the news and Caleb clutches me to his chest, his own heartbeat radiating through my ear as he shakes. His lips press to the top of my head, holding onto me for dear life. "I love you Myla," he murmurs, his voice cracking slightly.

"I love you too dad," I say into his chest, my own eyes beginning to raise with tears.

Pulling away from him as he looks down to me but his hands remain on my shoulders, his eyes heavy and red. "This has put so much into perspective for me," he sniffs as a tiny tear drips from his eye but he instantly wipes it away. "I still think about what I said to you on replay in my head and I hate myself for it, I hope you can forgive me someday."

"I do forgive you dad," I say quietly, my body aching at the sight of him upset. "But it's not something I'm easily going to forget."

Watching as his eyes clench together painfully. "The thought of losing you, or you losing us is destroying me. And to think that you might possibly believe that I hate you haunts me because it is far from the truth."

"Dad it's okay," I shake my head towards him. "I know you don't hate me, I know you love me."

His lips push out a sad smile as he sighs and then nods. Wrapping his arms around me again and kissing my forehead over and over, it doesn't take long until Evan walks over to join in in the action.

Eventually we all pull away and Evan looks towards us both. "They're coming home soon, I've started making some food and treats and things. I'm not going over the top but I just don't want them to worry about having to make food or cook."

Caleb smiles towards Evan and slides his hand down the back of his head. "You've always been so thoughtful pups," he says softly.

"Pups?" Evan recoils at his words in shock. "You haven't called me that in ages."

"Pups?" I laugh softly towards them as they turn to me.

"It was a nickname I gave your dad when we first met," Caleb smiles before beaming back over to Evan.

"We're talking ages ago," Evan holds his hands up.

"I don't even want to know," I say with a small laugh. "Are you guys okay?"

Caleb's green eyes lay on mine and he nods. "It's going to be hard to adjust, losing your best friend is something indescribable. But I know we need to be strong for Zara, I couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to lose your mate." His eyes fall slightly as he looks down to the floor watching his hand clutch onto Evan's tightly.

"You're right, we need to be strong for them." I say confidently already concerned about how Jake is going to cope.

"Want to help me make these?" Evan asks as he removes himself from Caleb

"Yes," I say instantly. "I do."

. . .

Zara and Aria came home two hours later, Jake was nowhere to be seen. Wanting to give him space but worried about where he was, I didn't want to be checking up on him like some crazed girlfriend but I thought that this scenario was justifiable.

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