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AN: this is part of a double upload so make sure you read chapter 19 first if you haven't already!


As I sit by my window, glancing out at the warm day. I wished I could just go and chill in the sun, play frisbee or whatever people with tanned skin do. To say I was jealous of them would be an understatement, I was unbelievably envious.

A knock at my door alerts me from the window, having it already open ajar, Jake steps inside before I have a chance to say anything. He looked sheepish as he stood in the doorway, his head very close to the door hinge.

"Hey," I say as I release my legs down onto the floor.

"Hey," he smiles at me. "I was just wondering how you are?"

I nod and stretch my arms up and above my head. "Yeah I'm okay, I slept so well. Literally was out like a light."

Jake cracks a smile and nods at me. "Yeah, weed can make you pass out instantly."

"You okay?" I question, feeling slightly overwhelmed at the fact he had come into my room unprovoked.

He hums and leans onto the door. "You wanna go for a walk?"

"Today?" I say before shaking my head at my stupidity.

He narrows my eyes at my naivety. "Yes today," he confirms.

I let out a breath and smile, needing to be sure because I didn't want to make an idiot out of myself in front of him.

"Okay sure," I agree. "But can we take a shade route, it looks about a thousand degrees outside and I don't want another trip to the hospital."

Jake drops his hand onto the door handle. "Yes we'll protect you from the sun, don't you worry."

"Great," I say as I push myself up from the window ledge. "Give me ten minutes and I'll meet you downstairs?"

"Meet you downstairs," he nods once before pulling the door shut.

My eyes instantly start darting around the room in attempt to find something to wear, wanting to make an effort around Jake. Hating that I cared about this now but I didn't want him to think I dressed scruffy everyday, I did have some form of fashion sense.

So I settle on some denim shorts, my legs almost reflecting off my eyes they were so pale but I had to deal with it. Throwing on a long sleeved white t-shirt and tucking it into my shorts, this was the best it was gonna get.

Drawing my long hair up into a ponytail, knowing how much I would be sweating, at least I'd be somewhat cooler.

Jake was already waiting for me by the door, his eyes trained on his phone in front of him. My presence alarms him and he instantly leans off of the wall and tucks his phone away. I don't miss how his eyes rake over my attire, wishing I had something better to wear in this weather but quite frankly, I didn't want to die.

"Hey," he smiles, cracking open the front door with his hands.

"Hey," I say before pursing my lips quickly, following his lead. Giving Oakley a quick stroke before leaving the porch. He was happily sunbathing, if only I could relate.

"You wanna go grab some snacks?"

"How far are we walking?" I laugh as I step beside him, looking down to the floor so the sun didn't scold my eyeballs.

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