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Saturday came around a lot quicker than expected, considering I didn't have any shifts to pick up so I spent my time in the garden. Making flower pots out of the spare bits of wood that Caleb had chopped from a broken tree.

I was excited for a night in without drinking or smoking, a time to chill and just enjoy each others company. Although I had barely seen Jake this week, unsure where he was or what he was up to. Wanting to speak to him and get over whatever he was annoyed at me about a few days ago, but at the moment he seemed to be avoiding all social interactions completely.

As I approach Remy's front door, she opens before I get the chance to knock. "Fantastic you're here!" She yells before bringing me into a hug, she looked refreshed and well-rested.

"What do you need help with?" I question as she drags me into the house and out the back door.

"Do you know how to get illegal movies online? Because I am the worst with technology and I don't want to spend loads on renting movies or whatever."

"Don't you have Netflix?" I ask sounding confused as we enter her shed. My eyes instantly darting to the bean bags and blankets on the floor, in front of a large TV. Popcorn bowls and sweets covering the floor. "Aw this is cute."

"Well I want to watch this really scary movie I've found but it isn't on Netflix or Amazon and I need help trying to find it online. You know those free movie sites." She waffles on as she drags up her laptop and connects it to the TV.

"Scary movies?" I repeat and she turns her head to me instantly.

"What?" She says bluntly. "Do you not like scary movies?"

"I love them," I admit. "You best get yourself an adblocker, you'll get so many adverts pop up for local hookups in this area."

"Ugh," she groans aloud and slams her hand down onto the laptop. "What the fuck is an adblocker?"

I have to laugh as I sink down to the floor beside her and take the laptop from her hands. "Here let me do it," I say as I shake my head. "What movie is it?"

"The Descent," she taps the screen that has the search history up. "Have you seen it?"

I shake my head. "No, but it looks good." I say as my eyes glance over the pictures and description.

After fifteen minutes I successfully managed to download a decent adblocker and find a third party website to watch this movie on, Remy sitting next to me as she chews at her finger. "There," I state simply. "It's done."

"Oh Myla, you're a genius!" She yells as she moves to cast the laptop on the big screen.

The shed door opens and Emily, Zack and Carter flood in, my eyes annoyingly looking for Jake. Having a feeling that he wouldn't turn up but what else would he be doing when all his friends are here?

Remy stands up excitedly and hugs everyone, I follow her lead and we quickly get settled onto the beanbags and comfy. I plonk myself on the end as the Emily and Carter purposely sit next to each other.

"Where's Jake?" Emily asks as she realises that he's not already here.

Remy shrugs as she grabs her phone from the side. "I don't know. He's either late as usual or ditching us." She says as she scrolls through her phone. "He hasn't text me so let's just start."

She leans forward to press play and quickly turns off the lights so the room emerges into darkness. I sigh out and look towards the door, a part of me feeling disappointed that Jake might not be coming.

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