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Listening to werewolves talk was exhausting, they never knew when to take a breath. Speaking incredibly fast and enthusiastic, I've never seen anything like it. Caleb tells Zara and Felix not to specifically target me with questions as he wants me to settle down comfortably, sometimes I believe that he really understands me. But other times he can be such an ass.

When dinner comes around I have the pleasure of meeting Aria, Zara and Felix's daughter.  I wasn't sure who was older but they both looked mature, fresh skin and thick hair. Me on the other hand, pasty and hair as dry as a bone.

Zara plates us up and I sit between my two fathers, making me feel like a child again and I needed the support

Aria and Jake sat in front of me with their parents either side. Feeling grateful that the dinner was a 'help yourself' kind of dinner so I could pick and choose what I wanted. Everyone begun to dig in, listening to Zara talk about what has been going on since Caleb and Evan left.

I don't listen because quite frankly I cannot understand or grasp what they're talking about but this is why they brought me back, so I could be apart of their werewolf lives and traditions.

"So Myla," Aria says as she slides her teeth against her fork and chews what is in her mouth. "Do you like R&B music?"

My eyes flick up to meet hers. "Urm," I pause. "It's okay I guess,"

"Then what music do you like?" She asks as she reaches forward for her cup of water.

"I like music from the 80s and 90s mostly," I explain. "I'm into jazz and soul music."

Aria stares back at me like I just spoke a foreign language, even noticing how Jake looks to me like I was born in a completely different era. "Really?" She says eventually. "I don't know anyone in the 21st century that likes that kind of music."

My shoulders shrug instantly. "I can't stand that shit on the radio, it's all the same and unoriginal,"

Evan sighs sharply from beside me at my swearing but I know he wouldn't say anything to embarrass me in front of everyone. Aria flexes one of her eyebrows before shoving more food into her mouth. "Well I guess everyone is different in some way,"

"Myla honey, you should take off your jumper. It is so warm in here, you must be sweltering!" Zara says from across the table.

Everything instantly heats up as I crank my neck towards her. I wasn't sure what to say because she was right, it was absolutely boiling and I wanted nothing more than to just sit here in my underwear but that wouldn't be socially acceptable.

"She's fine," Caleb says quickly. "She's got poor circulation so struggles to get warm."

When I turn to face him I mentally thank him for covering for me, not that I had anything to hide that wasn't apart of my life. I just didn't want the questions and the endless stares with something I never had control over.

"Oh," Zara says as she shakes her head. "Sorry dear, I'm always doing too much."

I shake my head at her. "Not at all," I force a smile. "This is delicious by the way."

"Oh thank you," she pats her mouth with her napkin. "So, what do you want to do now you've left high school?

My fingers push my fork around my plate, knowing that this question was coming and mentally preparing for it. "I'm not entirely sure yet," I admit. "I enjoyed designing things in the workshop but unsure if I could make a career out of it,"

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