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Taking Remy to the abortion clinic was something I never thought I would experience, luckily she was only a few weeks gone so she could take the pill to get rid of the embryo instead of a full operation. Her legs shook in the waiting room and I tried my best to comfort her without suffocating her, I couldn't imagine how terrifying this situation would be.

Considering I've never had sex, I really couldn't.

But even though I knew Remy was scared, she tried her best not to show it, taking big deep breaths and clutching onto her legs tightly. I just hoped that she was strong enough mentally for this and she wouldn't feel guilty or let it affect her day to day life.

The doctor calls her into a room and she smiles at me, I return the gesture with a firm nod. Telling her that she's got this and it will all be okay. She squeezes onto my hand before taking slow steps towards the doctor standing by a consultation door.

Patiently waiting for her return, watching the TV screen with Housewives on, not paying attention to the situation but having something to watch. My brain rushed with different thoughts but I wanted to remain positive for her, she needed someone to help pick up the air, not bring it down.

Once she's done she signs some papers at the front desk and she's ready to go. On the way home she explains the situation and what will happen to her body but I didn't really know what any of it meant or how she would be feeling. She still had another pill to take tomorrow and that would end the pregnancy.

She thanks me a million times for coming with her but I kept telling her that I didn't mind, I wanted to be there for her. I could tell that she felt bad for dragging me out here but the thought of her going through this alone haunted me and I was glad she could rely on me to be a good friend.

We grab some food on the way home, attempting to take her mind off the events that just occurred. I didn't realise how late it was until I got home, noticing that it was dark and the air had turned cold.

Just as I walk towards our gateway, a car shines its lights from behind me, startling me slightly. Turning my head and instantly relaxing when I realise its Jake's car, slowly driving towards the house. By the time I reach the door he had already killed the engine and popped the car door open.

Twisting my body towards him and offering a smile. "Hey," I say as I push open the front door.

He lifts up his eyebrows and forces an unwelcome smile at me. "Hey," he returns but it was blunt.

My face falls instantly, knowing that he was probably annoyed at my unneeded coldness from earlier, but I had my reasons. "You okay?" I question as I hold the door open, watching as he places his large hand against it.

"Yeah," he nods once before removing his jacket from his body and throwing it over one of the dining room chairs. "You?"

"Yeah," I say as I turn towards him. "Look about earlier, I didn't mean to be rude. Remy just called about something she was upset with and I didn't want to go around telling her business when she put her trust in me." I explain as I slowly trail to the kitchen island.

"It's alright," he shrugs once but I could tell he wasn't really listening.

"I've struggled to make friends in the past, okay?" I state loudly, catching his attention. "I don't want to be passed off as a bitch for not keeping a secret. I feel honoured that Remy trusts me, I know you guys are friends but I don't want her to think I'm a snitch or can't keep to my word."

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