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"Are you feeling okay?" Evan, my dad turns in the front seat to look at me.

I shrug as I look back at him, my eyes drooping slightly. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

Evan sighs and turns to Caleb, my other dad. "I know you're a tough cookie Myla but sometimes it's okay to admit when you're feeling a little nervous or anxious."

Forcing myself to resist the urge to roll my eyes because both my dads believe that I have a severe attitude problem. I have no idea how many times we've sat down and spoke about how I can better myself and not come across as cold as I do. I've been working on it but it's almost like it isn't me, I was born to be a cold hearted bitch and they both knew that.

Sometimes people can't change and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's me, right now.

"The more you go on about it, the more it's gonna shut me out," I mumble before staring out of the window.

Caleb reaches over to grip Evan by the knee and he squeezes gently. I can see out the corner of my eye how Evan's shoulders slump slightly at my words and he eventually turns around.

I would be a liar if I said hurting or upsetting my dads was something I wanted to do because it isn't. I never want to hurt them, the thought makes me feel sick. Trust me, I hated myself for it but Caleb tells me it's good I have a backbone. He tells me that he knows I would be able to stand up for myself in a fight, verbally and physically.

Evan screamed at Caleb for telling me this. They're so different that sometimes I can't believe that they are together. Not that they don't work well together but their views on life and actions are at completely different ends of the spectrum.

Caleb has always wanted to toughen me up, give me self-defence classes and allows me to get away with swearing. Evan on the other hand, practically at the side lines with the first aid kid, the constant worrier and expected the worst. He never wanted me to get hurt because sometimes Caleb could be too rough with me and I'd end up with carpet burn.

They'd argue but only because Evan thought I would be at breaking point. I hated listening to them argue because they would get so upset, Evan would cry and Caleb would shout. But every time they'd come back together, apologise to each other and make an active choice to apologise to me.

They wouldn't argue a lot but it's mostly over something they didn't agree on because of me. I understood because I am their first and only child, I know I'm difficult because of my past.

Both Evan and Caleb were protective over me, they wanted to make sure that I was safe at all times. If I knew for one thing, I knew that they loved me with their whole hearts. Sometimes I felt like I take it for granted, they practically saved me from living a life in foster care. My heart pangs with guilt for all the times I've been nasty to them for no reason.

The car slows down and Caleb pulls into a long gravel drive with black metal gates. I was far too young to remember the last time I lived here, nothing at all stood out. We drive slowly up to the white house in front of us, I never knew it was this big. My eyes struggled to look at it all at once, so instead I quickly glance at every inch slowly.

Caleb raises the hand break and stops directly beside a few other cars. "Let's go," he declares as he pops the door open and steps outside the driver side.

Unbuckling my seatbelt and following their lead. They both instantly loop round to the trunk of the car and pull out our suitcases. As soon as I shut the car door, the feeling of warm, fluffy fur is dragged around the bottom of my legs.

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