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It was the middle of the week and I tried to pick up as many shifts at the alley as possible, there wasn't much going on at home. But because I wasn't a manager and they had a bunch of other kids working due to cramming in last shifts before they leave forever, I was left with a few hours here and there.

So instead of working I decided to pamper myself, not that I ever did anything like this normally. It felt strange to care for yourself in the form of face masks and hair treatments. But maybe this would be my new interest, self care.

I almost laugh to myself as I walk from the shower back to my room, like I'd ever be someone like that. Barely caring what I thought of myself, let alone others.

My hand pushes open my white painted door and almost scream when I watch as Aria rummages through my drawers. She turns back to me, startled I was even here. "What the fuck are you doing?" I yell out angrily as I clench my towel closer to my chest. Hating the fact I was pretty much naked in front of her.

Aria's dark eyes roll in my direction. "You know," she shrugs innocently as she slams one of my draws shut. "Just having a look around my house."

"Those are my things, this is my room!" My voice raises loudly. "Don't fucking touch my stuff."

Her eyes narrow at me slightly. "Well this is my house after all. So all of it is technically mine."

"Do you want me to fucking punch you?" My fists begin to tighten even further, losing circulation in my hands.

I watch as her eyes flick down to my body, my arms were on display and I know she had an undeserved glance at my skin. My chest and shoulders, everything on show to her. She stops and smirks at me. "You wouldn't even dare."

"Try me," I seethe out. "Now get the fuck out of my room before I rip your hair out."

Aria doesn't seem phased by my words, in fact she looked like this was a challenge and she smiles at me. A sickly sweet smile that screamed, lets go.

After a few moments she waltzes out of my room like nothing had happened. Once she shuts my door, I rush to get changed into anything I can find around my room. Pulling my hair towel out and letting my long hair slap the back of my jumper.

I find myself mumbling curse words to myself as I shove on a pair of socks and storm out of my room. How dare she think she can touch my stuff? Has she been snooping around before whilst I'm at work?

My blood boils as I think about her grotty hands digging around my belongings. Not wanting her to know a single thing about me or my life.

Carrying myself downstairs where I hear her voice in the kitchen, she's talking to Zara acting all innocent. My eyes collide with Jake who is sat at the kitchen table in front of Zara and Aria.

"Please can you tell your daughter not to go into my room and rummage around my things?" I question loudly, Zara pauses and turns towards me.

Jake's eyes turn to me as well but I couldn't understand the look in them, cold as usual.

"I wasn't in your room," she rolls her eyes at me again. "Not sure why you're making up these lies."

"That's ironic, considering you're the one who lies all the time. Don't go into my room." I force out as I fold my arms across my chest.

"Aria, did you go into her room?" Zara asks as she raises an eyebrow in her direction, one hand now moving to her hip.

"No," she bops her head slightly.

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