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My mouth falls open at the sight of Jake's wolf, big black paws against the grass, his snout breathing in and out sharply. His dark eyes staring at me as he stands on all fours. He was a lot larger than I imagined him to be, not realising how scary wolves looked up close.

Moving my eyes from his face to his body, taking in his black fur. It was shiny and looked so incredibly soft, admiring every inch of this beast. My sight gravitating to the patches of fur that were silver, or maybe they were grey?

I couldn't tell but I wasn't sure what it meant, might have something to do with him not feeling like he has a wolf or is a wolf. Or maybe it's a cool mutation that makes him different from the rest.

Realising that he couldn't communicate with me, I take a step forward to him. Our eyes meet but something inside of them seemed distant and cold, lifeless. The feeling made my heart pang painfully, something definitely wasn't right with his wolf but it wasn't my place to ask. It clearly had an impact on Jake's life and his emotions.

"Can I touch you?" I ask as I raise my fingers, his wolfs eyes follow my actions. "I'm gonna touch you." I confirm realising he won't reply.

My fingers lightly graze the fur on his head, my skin almost sinking into the softness. "Wow," I breathe out, the little hairs tickling my hand. "What is your hair care routine?"

His nose sniffles slightly but continues to let me pet him. This felt so strange, I was just touching his head and this is deemed as acceptable. "Honestly you feel so soft. My hair is like dry rats tails." I sigh as I swoon over his fur.

After a few moments he takes a few steps back and looks directly at me, staring back at him confused. "Oh," I say suddenly. "Right, I'll turn around."

Turning back to face the wall, Jake shifts from behind me. The sound even worse than the first time, I never wanted to hear bones snapping and re-aligning again. It would give me nightmares forever, even more so than the movie we watched tonight.

Jake takes a deep breath and gets dressed from behind me. "You know your wolf is really cute," I comment. "A bit scary, but cute."

"Shut up," he mumbles. "My wolf is not cute."

I can hear Jake zip up the flies on his trousers and I turn around to face him, not remembering that he would be topless and I had to look at him. "Well I think he's cute," I say as I fold my arms over my chest.

He grabs his T-shirt and slides it over his chest effortlessly, motioning his head towards the back door and we enter. "He's meant to be dangerous and scary, not one part is meant to be cute."

"Maybe I'm just obsessed with furry friends," I comment as I waltz over to the couches, not expecting Jake to follow me.

"Maybe you'll be that crazy pet lady that has thirty animals and no husband," he laughs to himself as he leans back onto the couch, arm resting on the back.

My mouth gapes open at his choice of words. "Excuse you," I shake my head at him dismissively. "I'll be happily married with loads of pets, thank you very much."

"You wanna get married when you're older?" He asks, his eyes trailing from my lips to my eyes.

I shrug. "Who knows? Maybe, marriage is a big commitment that's for sure. I mean first of all I'll have to find someone who would want to marry me in the first place." I say with a light smile. "What about you?"

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