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AN: Early update because I hit 22k followers today! If you don't already make sure you drop me a follow to stay in the loop💘


My throat burns as acidic liquid shoots up from my stomach and out into the toilet bowl. I don't know what I was expecting from tonight but considering I've only ever drunk once before, this definitely wasn't off the cards.

Coughing up aggressively, gripping onto the side of the toilet. My mind swirling in different directions, feeling incredibly unstable.

"It's okay," Jake tells me as he rubs up and down my back.

Vomiting over and over, my stomach convulsing violently. Never have I seen so much sick in my life, it was making me feel even worse. "Here," he says softly, holding out a cup of water for me to take.

My shaky hand raises to take the cup but Jake has to help guide it to my mouth, I felt so weak I couldn't even hold it. Taking slow but gentle sips, swirling the water around my mouth and spitting it out into the bowl.

I groan, the feeling of lightning bolts shooting through my stomach. My heavy eyes look at Jake who was crouched down beside me, his lips falling into a sad frown. He picks up his hand and slides it across the top of my head softly. "What are we going to do with you, hm?" He sighs, my eyes falling down to the floor again.

"I'm a mess," I mumble out as I wipe the corner of my mouth with my wrist.

Jake hands me a lid of mouthwash which I gratefully take, even with my shaky hands. Washing the menthol taste around my mouth aggressively, ridding myself of the taste of vomit.

"Shall we go home?" Jake suggests. "Your bed is going to be a million times more comfy than the bathroom floor."

I grunt again, incapable of words.

"I'll call a taxi," he says as he quickly swipes his phone from his pocket.

Instantly shaking my head. "No-not the car," I manage to get out.


"Sick, car," I mumble, my eyes closing. "Not sick."

Jake sighs and locks his phone. "Right well then you're gonna have to co-operate with me to get you out of here." He says as he sits up on his knees and takes pulls me up from the floor, my whole body limp and weak.

He pulls me to his side and we exit Remy's parents en-suite, making our way downstairs slowly and making an escape without being stopped. I really wasn't in any frame of mind to have a conversation right now, I just wanted to go home.

As we walk out onto the front of Remy's house, Jake stops in front of me and bends down. "Grab onto my neck," he tells me, my hands slowly raising up his arms.

He grips onto my hands and pulls me up onto his back, clutching his hands underneath my thighs. "Hold on," he says as I rest my head down onto his shoulder. "I don't want you slipping off."

Jake hoists me up higher and carries me with ease, taking large steps down the pavement and towards our house. My eyes flutter shut, holding onto him for dear life but I felt comfortable and safe, even if I did feel nauseous.

Only ten minutes later we arrive at our front door, Jake tries his hardest to keep quiet as he walks us through the house. Not having a clue what the time was or if our parents would still be awake, I couldn't be bothered for any confrontation right now.

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