thirty five

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"Stop it!" I yell out with a small laugh, reaching up to take the batch of eggs in Jake's hand as he dangles them over my head. "Give me those fucking eggs."

Jake smirks towards me, standing on my tip toes as I try and jump to grab the box. "If you want them just take them," he says with a simple shrug.

I roll my eyes and breathe out. "You're so annoying," I comment but Jake continues to grin down at me. My hands reaching forward to squeeze against his ribs, tickling his skin. He jolts opening the box with his hand somehow, as he squirms the eggs roll from the box and towards the floor. A scream leaves my lips as I look up, an egg falling directly onto my head. "You dick!"

Jake cackles loudly, the egg whites rolling down the side of my clean hair. "You did that to yourself, shouldn't have tickled me." He says as he closes the box and puts them to the side.

"Because you wouldn't give them to me," I huff out as I run my hand over my hair, covering my skin in the slimy food. Reaching forward to wipe it across Jake's face quickly.

He gasps and catches my wrists instantly, holding me in place. "Now that's just not nice," he shakes his head towards me and I attempt to shake from his hold.

"Fuck," I curse out. "Why are you still so fucking strong?"

Jake lets a breath out of his nose as he removes his hands from my wrists, reaches round to my waist and pulls me off the floor. My arms automatically wrapping around his neck as he squeezes me. "Jake," I choke out as he holds me tightly.

"I'm always going to be strong," he comments in my ear, his breath tickling the side of my face.

A laugh rumbles from my chest and his face finds mine, planting kisses across my cheeks to my forehead. My heart bursting into flames as his affectionate side is wilder than ever. He stops and levels our noses together, looking directly into my eyes and taking my breath away. He leans forward and kisses me softly, opening his lips so they can capture mine.

My hands pressing to the back of his neck, our chests flush against each other. Holding me firmly in his arms, his hands clenched around the sides of my ribs. Eventually he stops kissing me and lets me down, my toes touching the cold floor, releasing our arms.

"Right," I say as I catch my breath, a hand running through my eggy hair. "Are we going to make these cakes or what?"

Jake stares back at me with what I could class as adoration, I wish I could know what he was thinking inside but he definitely showed it in physical affection. "Yeah," he nods, his eyes glistening in the process. "Let's hope we don't burn the house down."

"I'm sure we are more than capable of putting some cakes in the oven," I say before playfully shoving him.

His eyes roll towards me and he grabs onto some flour, his eyes scanning over the back of the packet. "So how much are we using of this?"

My eyes continue to watch him as his brows furrow and he pulls the flour away from him. "The measurements are in this book, not on the packet." I say with a slight laugh.

He blinks back at me and pushes my shoulder just like I did to him. "Whatever, " he murmurs. "Tell me what I need to do."

. . .

"You guys did not make these," Remy sighs as she takes a huge bite of her cupcake, buttercream smeared across her cheeks.

Zack hum in approval. "Literally," he comments, his mouth full. "I've never known you to bake Jake."

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