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No matter how much I wanted to sleep in, the second the light touched my window, my eyes pinned right open. The room was so plain that there wasn't even anything aesthetically pleasing to look at, meaning I got bored within three minutes.

Throwing the covers off myself and walking towards my window, twisting the blinds open slightly. It was far too sunny for me, my skin and the warmth doesn't mix. Especially when I end up looking like a lobster with third degree burns, it's best to stay away.

Glancing out at the bright day and down at the drive below me, my eyes instantly gravitate towards the white cat from yesterday sat by Caleb's car. The cat looks around, almost like it was looking for someone to give it attention.

Throwing on a cardigan and shoving my feet into a pair of shoes, I make my way downstairs quietly. It was eerily silent in the house, clearly no one wakes up at the crack of dawn like I do.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs and open the front door, the cat turns its head in my direction and leaps up onto its four feet and runs to me. With one hand I wrap my cardigan around my body and shut the door with the other.

"Hi little guy," I say as I bend down to its level. "Or girl."

It's multicoloured eyes look up to me and it meows. "Are you lost?" I ask in my animal voice as I run my fingers through its soft fur.

"Hmmm, what should we call you?" My voice dips as it nuzzles it's head into my lap. Moving so that I'm now sitting on the step, its little paws kneading back and forth.

"What about a gender neutral name like, Brooklyn or Oakley,"

It meows at me again, its eyes glistening towards me. "Oakley it is,"

Oakley perches on the step next to me, it's fur slightly touching my leg. "I hope you're not miles and miles from home and you don't know how to get back because that makes me sad." I say but the cat doesn't look in my direction.

"What are you doing?" The front door opens quietly as Evan steps out and stands behind me.

My head whips around to my dad as he leans on the door frame, his eyes flicking to Oakley who was beside me.

"The cat came back dad," I explain as it nuzzles its head against my arm. "It must be lost or a stray, we can't leave it by itself now. This is a sign."

Evan sighs loudly and I watch as he rubs his eyes. "Myla you know that we can't keep a cat here,"

"But why not?" I shoot back. "Oakley isn't hissing at you or growling, in fact it's very friendly."

"Jesus," Evan mumbles. "You've already named him?"

"It could be a girl," I shrug as I stoke through its incredibly soft fur. "But this will help me settle in dad, it's almost like a good luck charm. It came back and how can we leave it?"

I watch as he shifts his eyes between mine, unsure how to feel. "It's so innocent, we can't give up on it now. Just like you guys didn't give up on me."

"Fine," Evan says eventually which earns a smile from me. "But you better ask your father."

Scooping Oakley up into my arms I shrug towards Evan. "Trust me, I can win him over,"

He exhales a sharp breath of air at my statement, shaking his head as I walk through the door. "Good luck with that." He mumbles as he shuts the door.

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