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When I arrived at work the next day, I was relieved to see Remy working behind the tills, working with a friend made shifts go so much quicker. Dumping my stuff in the staff room and joining Remy by the front desk, she smiles instantly when she sees me.

"Hey," she says sounding slightly surprised.

"Hey to you too,"

"I didn't know you were working?" She shakes her head at me.

"Kirsty rung me this morning," I tell her as I pull out a clip board from underneath the front desk.

"Thank god for Kirsty," Remy exhales before running up the till, her eyes scanning across all the numbers. "Did you get home alright when Jake walked you the other night?"

I hum as I scribble a pen down onto the paper. "Yeah somewhat,"

"What happened?" She asks suddenly, stepping closer to me.

My eyes widen at her current stance and I sigh before placing the board back down on the side, folding my arms across my chest. "Well the walk was fine but when we got home Aria was there crying telling Jake's parents that we didn't walk her home from the party and she got attacked because of us."

Remy gasps almost instantly. "I totally fucking forgot!" She yells before she thinks quickly, her eyes building up with anger.

"Forgot what?"

"Aria kicked off saying that we let her go out with that guy and it's our fault that she almost got assaulted," Remy's nose turns up in disgust at what she just said. "How dare she go around accusing everyone of this?"

My lip quirks slightly. "I don't know, she's you guy's friend,"

Remy gives me one long hard stare but I don't regret saying it because I was right, who would want a friend who was blinded by their own choices? I'm not saying what happened is her fault because that's blaming the victim. It's his fault for trying to take advantage of her. She should have at least let her friends know where she was for extra caution and then not lied to her parents to get Jake in trouble.

"I've never seen her like this," she says eventually before rubbing the top of her forehead.

"Is she okay?" I ask genuinely.

Remy shrugs before pursing her lips. "I never know, she hates talking about her feelings to me or to anyone. But it's not fair for her to say that to her parents and try and blame Jake, that's so wrong."

"So how have you guys left it?"

"It's not great," she says. "She's the one who has stopped talking to us, completely blocking us out. I know that it's annoying Zack because he's like head over heels for her."

"I think Jake is livid," I comment.

"Oh for sure," she nods vigorously. "He never really wanted her to be in our friendship group because of this exact reason. You don't shit where you eat."

"I think that's the wrong saying for this current situation," I narrow one eye at her and watch as she dismisses my comment.

"Oh whatever," she flutters her hand in my direction. "You know what I mean."

"I guess,"

"Wait," she says suddenly, stopping and looking up at the ceiling. "How were you there when Jake was arguing with his parents?"

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