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Worked seemed to drag especially without Remy being by my side. I hadn't really made many close connections to anyone else who worked at the alley, none of them there to socialise. Luckily my shift wasn't a long one, I was walking home by two o'clock and the sun was out. Attempting to shield from the burning flames that hit my skin, my all black outfit not helping one bit.

Oakley was out on the porch sunbathing in the warmth, good for him I thought. At least one of us doesn't mind that deathly thing in the sky.

Jamming my keys into the front door and taking an instant breath as soon as I enter the shade, my body partially sweating.

My eyes dart around the room, looking towards the kitchen were Jake stood with a cereal bowl in one hand. But that isn't what mattered, what mattered was that he was topless. Again.

Did he realise what he was doing to me when he stood like that?

Too much for my virgin ass.

His eyes catch mine as I shut the door behind me, he doesn't look away or seem phased. Instead he smiles and I trudge over to the island where I dump my bag and pour myself some ice cold water.

"Hey," he says as he crunches on his late breakfast.

I take a big gulp of water not realising the liquid had seeped down my chin and neck. "Hey," I say as I suddenly gasp for air.

He watches me with a concerned look. "You alright?" He asks as I wipe away the water from my face.

"Yeah just dying from the sun," I say as I fill my cup up once more.

"Oh yes," he nods before placing his spoon into his mouth again. "I forgot you don't do well in hot weather."

My head falls slightly at his comment. "You forgot that I was pale as fuck?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

Jake cracks a smile at my response and then laughs. "Guess I see past your paleness," he shrugs, lifting the bowl up to his lips and drinking the contents.

I had no idea what his comment meant but I didn't want to ask and seem like an idiot, so I ignore and move on. "You missed breakfast or what?" I question as I track his actions.

"It's a Sunday," he states. "Sunday's have no timeline."

"Not for me," I breathe out as I lean forward on my hands.

"How was work?"



The corners of my mouth twitch up, as does his as he places his bowl into the sink and pulls out one of the stools to sit. Jake takes out his phone and starts to scroll, his eyes settling on some text in front of him.

I pull away to drink the rest of my water, putting it on the side once I felt fully hydrated. "Right well I'm going to shower," I declare as I take a quick glance at Jake who was still attached to his phone.

Unsure why I had to announce my departure but I wanted to say something. He doesn't reply and I sigh as I pass him, aiming for the stairs.

"What the fuck?" He curses out from behind me.

I instantly whip my head to the direction of his voice. "What?" I ask, my heart racing harshly at the tone of his voice.

His eyes slowly trail up to mine and beckons me over to his phone. "What is this?" He questions as he shows me his phone.

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