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AN: Before anyone comes at me, no I didn't write smut between Jake and Myla. For me it didn't seem right and they feel like my babies and they're not super freaky like my other books. I wanted to make this more realistic and I hope you understand.


I wasn't sure what it would feel like to lose your virginity, I certainly wasn't expecting it to be perfect like it's always portrayed in movies and books. In fact it was a little bit everywhere, it was fun and scary at the same time but definitely something that will need work, I didn't 'come' and I don't reckon I'll be able to do it any time soon.

Sure it felt strange, painful at times but as it went on I could understand where the pleasure would come from. My body was adjusting to having something inside me for the first time. Jake was patient though, slow and careful. Reminding him that it was my first time and not to expect much, but to be honest, I didn't care what he thought. If he thought I was shit, how could I be good when I've never done it before?

I didn't really think those things but I guess you have no idea what goes through a boys head after they have sex.

Showering frantically, ridding myself of Jake's scent before Caleb hit the roof and chucked me out on the streets for being rebellious. Luckily I had a shift at the alley today which allowed me to have time outside of the house, even better, Remy was working and I felt relived the second I saw her.

The day moved pretty slow and the bowling alley wasn't overly busy which was a bonus, it was far too hot to be inside currently. The air conditioning barely working which I believed was sending the customers away, I don't blame them because I was currently melting in my own sweat.

"You've been acting different," Remy says as she approaches the front desk, startling me slightly.

"What?" I say in response and shake my head. "No I haven't."

She stares back at me for a few moments, her arms over her chest. "Hmm," she mumbles. "You just seem different."

"It's the heat," I say quickly as I wipe my forehead. "It's making be go delirious."

Remy breaks out a smile and nods. "Trust me," she leans back onto the counter. "This place is a joke, no wonder no one wants to come in here when it literally feels like a sauna."

"Has anyone told Kirsty?" I question. "I haven't seen her in ages, has she just given up on this place or what?"

Remy lets out a strained sigh. "Fuck knows but I've pretty much taken over her job," she mumbles, irritation clear in her voice. "Honestly, I have no idea what she would do without me. In a way I'm glad I'm going to be leaving this dumpster of a place because I don't feel valued at all."

My lips part at her words. "When are you leaving?" I say as my heart race increases.

"I'm not yet silly," she pushes my shoulder at my distress. "But when I decide to go travelling which is hopefully soon. I just want to make sure I have enough money."

"God," I press my hand to my heart. "Don't scare me like that, I thought you was leaving like next week or something."

"Don't be stupid," she laughs at me. "I wouldn't leave without telling you were I was going. Hell Myla, you're like one of my really good friends now. You're gonna know what's happening in my life."

"Well that's good to know," I smile in her direction.

"So my parents are out of town next weekend and I wanna have a party," she claps her hands together. "Nothing crazy but just some old friends from high school that I haven't seen in a while, introduce them to you."

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