thirty two

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On Thursday I was handed another letter after I got home from work, my fingers running along the front of the envelope with the handwriting that I recognised. Swallowing harshly and taking it up to my room before opening it, making sure that I was alone.

The letter stunk the same like tequila and stale smoke, as I unfold the piece of paper I begin to read the words. My eyes scanning over as I attempt to read what was in front of me. Rushing to find the other letter that I had received from my pocket I had kept it in this whole time.

Comparing the letters together, they said the same thing as before. Clearly from the same sender but why would they send it twice?

Lowering both of the letters to my desk and staring ahead at the wall in front of me. This didn't seem like some kind of prank now, this felt like they were sending the letter again because they had forgotten they even sent the first one. What other logical explanation could there be apart from harassment?

When it hit three o'clock I made my way downstairs knowing that Zara, Aria and Jake were at the hospital with Felix. Caleb and Evan were making something in the kitchen, Evan had been baking all sorts for comfort food.

"Hey," Caleb smiles at me as he watches me approach the kitchen island.

"Hey my love!" Evan smiles brightly towards me as I rest my elbows down onto the counter in front of them.

"Hi," I breathe out as I clutch the letters in my hands. "Urm, there's something that I need to tell you guys."

Evan stops decorating whatever he was making and turns to me, taking a stand next to Caleb. Their eyes trained on me as I speak. "What's going on?" Caleb asks.

My hands hesitantly give over the letters and Caleb reaches out to take them. "I received one of these almost a month ago and the second one today."

Caleb glances up at Evan who looks down to him confused. His finger flicking over the letter and watching as both their eyes run over the words, Evan's face reacting in shock almost instantly.

"Myla," he breathes out as his hand moves to cover his lips. "A month ago? Why didn't you say anything?"

My eyes focus on Caleb as he reads each word carefully, his brows pulled down into a deep frown. Crumpling the letter in his hands slightly as his fist tightens.

"Because there was so much going on at the time," I shake my head as my heart rate increases.

"Are you serious?" Caleb cranks his head towards me.

"The day I opened the letter was the day Felix told everyone about his illness and it didn't seem right to tell everyone at the time," I say as my eyes flick between them both. "At first I was convinced it was a prank but now I don't think so."

"Myla," Caleb sighs harshly, his head beginning to shake. "You shouldn't have kept this from us at all."

My teeth chews down on my bottom lip, my fingers picking at the skin around my nails. "There just was never a right time, I didn't want to seem insensitive when Felix just told us he was dying."

"We need to call the police," Caleb declares and Evan retreats to grab his phone.

"The police?" I repeat. "Do we need to involve them?"

"Yes Myla," he nods firmly towards me. "We were told that if we ever received any threatening letters or if they tried to contact you in anyway that we inform them, we need to have this on their records."

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