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Jake and I lay under his duvet, neither us say anything considering what happened downstairs about ten minutes ago. His eyes are focused on a point on my shoulder, his finger gently flicking over my pink, blotchy scar burns.

"What are you thinking?" I breathe out, trying to catch his attention.

Eventually he drags his eyes up to me as he shakes his head once. "Nothing," he sighs. "I just hate this family shit."

"It sucks your dad isn't listening to you," my lips pull down into a frown, my hand reaching up to cup the side of his face.

"I don't know why he's acting like this," Jake mumbles as be buries the side of his head into his pillow further.

My lips purse for a moment, a burning question waiting to come out of my mouth. "Would you go and see the elders?" I ask quietly.

Jake's eyes snapping to mine quickly, an unreadable expression across his face. "I don't know," he says, the words a struggle for him. "I'm worried it's going to do more harm than good."

"How'd you mean?"

"I'm worried about what they're going to say," he breathes out. "I'm worried I've made up these scenarios in my head that might not even be remotely true. What if something is wrong with my wolf, that it will sooner or later kill me?"

My heart pangs painfully. "Don't say that," I shake my head to him. "I'm sure that isn't the case."

"Something doesn't feel right inside me," he whispers like he's given up.

"Then you should go," I say instantly, my thumb flicking across the skin on his cheek. Moving closer so our noses are almost touching. "You deserve to know the truth rather than be sad for the rest of your life. You can't live like this Jake, they must be able to do something or tell you something."

Jake shrugs, I could sense he wanted this conversation to be let go but I couldn't see him like this anymore, it was killing me. "I just don't want to focus on that right now," he mumbles. "I just want to spend time with you."

I smile towards him and snuggle closer into his chest. "Same," I whisper. "I'm so glad I met you."

His arms wrap around my body, holding me tightly. I could lay here forever and I would be content. Just anywhere with Jake I'd be happy and I wouldn't want it any other way.

. . .

The next week in the house felt strange, there was obvious tension between Jake and his father and I could tell that Evan was hating the current atmosphere in the air.

Caleb has been hanging around a lot more than usual, spending time with Evan and I. Clearly trying to make up for what happened the other night. In a way I liked being around him and spending time with both my parents together, knowing that we had drifted but now things between us seemed calm. The only thing that was upsetting me was seeing Jake so low.

We had spent a lot of time together these last couple of days, attempting to take his mind off everything. We hung out with the gang one evening and I took him out to the cinema, watching a movie that I know he would love. I could tell that he was grateful even though he had a hard time expressing himself.

I loved that I could understand him even though he can come across as difficult, but he's not difficult. He's the purest person I've ever met, his mind just blocks him from his best abilities. I wish I could take it all away but all I want to do is be there for him.

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