Chapter 38

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November started to come to an end, and Klaus and Beatrix were still growing distant.

At first, it made sense to Beatrix. He felt guilty for making her expose herself but he didn't know how to apologize.

But when after time, he started talking to her less and less, she wasn't sure what to think. Perhaps he no longer saw fit to have her as his most trusted friend.

"I have to pick one," said Davina, snapping Beatrix out of her thoughts. "Orange or purple?"

Jackson, Hayley, and Beatrix shared a look. It was Fête de Cadeau, and Beatrix was not glad to have been called in. Fifteen minutes ago, they'd all been asked to come, which they had, though they were not sure why Davina wanted them there.

Beatrix, for one, would rather be anywhere else. This witch day celebration was not important to her— it never had been. She didn't like to participate in any sacred days because her mother had not taught her to do so, and without a coven, she could hardly keep track of them as it was. Ever since she'd arrived, the cold stares of the other witches had followed her, and the Heretic was reminded of why she hated interacting with other groups of witches.

"Did you seriously call us here to play Fashion Police?" asked Jackson incredulously as a witch came around with an incense ball and swept smoke in Davina's face.

"Okay," said Davina sharply to the woman, "I know this is sacred oil, but can we please not do that right now?" When they left, she sighed. "Thank you." She began to tie the orange ribbon around her throat. "Sorry. Thank you for coming— all of you."

Hayley rolled her eyes. "Like we had a choice, Davina. Either we do your bidding, or you blow out that candle of yours and turn us back into wolves. So, we're pretty much your slaves.

Jackson tried to be polite after hearing this. "Now Hayley, come on. This is the deal we made. Let's let her say her piece, hmm?" He faced the younger witch. "What do you want?"

Davina clearly looked nervous. "This is my first Cadeau as Regent. Since I represent the city, the covens have to pay tribute to me, and I throw them a party. I need them to respect me, but this is the first public event since..."

"Since you had me kill those witches in the Ninth Ward?" finished Hayley, causing Davina to look even more uncomfortable.

"I have a feeling it might not go so well, especially since Van Nguyen blames me for what happened to his mom. He vowed to get back at me. Actually, he said he would erase me. I mean, who even talks like that?"

"There are methods of erasure," said Beatrix bluntly. "He might be speaking literally. Watch your back and monitor the magic that other witches are doing. In the meantime, are we to be your bodyguards?"

Davina nodded and faced Hayley and Jackson specifically. "Look, I know that you're not exactly thrilled with me right now, but if I die, that candle's magic dies, too. And then there's nothing stopping you from changing back into wolves. I invited Beatrix to work on the candle and see if she can remove the curse entirely."

"Oh, fucking bless," sighed Beatrix in relief. "So I'm not here to be integrated into one of the covens?"

Davina shook her head. "You already told me you don't want to be part of a coven, and I respect that. Still, I think it important that the witches see you're not here to do any harm. You can stay in here working on the candle for now, and Hayley and Jackson can be in charge of protection."

"Well, that works," Jackson said. "I'll check out the crowd now."

He left, and Hayley let out a dejected sigh. "Fine, I'll keep you alive." She then grimaced at Davina's neck. "But, if you wear that awful orange scarf, you'll wish that I hadn't."

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