Chapter 29

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Beatrix was the first to get into depth.

If there was anything that the Heretics seemed to agree on, it was hearing more about her. Kai had seemed rather pleased with himself when she had started on a more brief version of her story, as he already knew all of it. The smug look only came off when the others began to speak.

Obviously, they all hated the Gemini Coven.

Each had their share of different experiences, but the one common factor was that they had been shunned by their coven and had eventually come together under the guidance of Lily Salvatore— Damon's mother. Now, they were a family, and they'd stuck together up until now, having been rounded up on October 31st, 1903, all in one piece. They were all mostly unscathed, except for Beau, who had unfortunately been hurt by the infamous Rayna Cruz. Beatrix was glad she'd never had to face that woman.

"So," said Malcolm, leaning closer to Beatrix. "You've figured out how we can get out, eh?"

"Yes," said Kai, making a point of clasping Beatrix's hand. "We have Bennett blood, the Ascendant, and the perfect spot to take off. I say, we use the rest of this day to go over the plan, hmm? Tomorrow, we will get out."

Nora raised her eyebrows. "That soon? My, my, I think I am happy now that you waited to wake us up."

"I apologize for that," said Beatrix. "I know being desiccated is terrible. I just hoped that time might pass faster for you like that."

"We didn't have a blood supply anymore, either way," said Mary Louise. "We would have just desiccated again."

Malcolm tapped his hand eagerly on the arm of the couch. "Speaking of blood, can we... feed now?"

"Malcolm, be sensible," said Valerie. "They've worked so hard to help get us out. The least you can do is show some self-control."

"I'm merely inquiring, to see if the lady had plans to help us out in that area," said Malcolm, casting Beatrix a smile as if trying to suck up."

"Bloody brownnoser," sneered Nora under her breath. "Don't pay him attention. He was Lily's pet, and he thinks he can get you to pity him."

"I don't mind being fed on," said Kai, holding his hands up in surrender. "But it'd do you good to remember the plan we just explained. I need to be alive when we get out so we can kill all the coven members in one go."

"Look at that, we're getting to meet the oldest and youngest Heretic on the same day," said Oscar, grinning. "That's a good sign."

Kai grinned. "Hell, yeah. Now, I want to deliver you all to Lily in one piece, so we're going to go with my plan to keep you all out of the conflict. By the time she gets you, the Gemini Coven will be no more, and you'll be safe."

"You're certain?" said Valerie. "They won't be around anymore?"

"We've gone through the plan at least a dozen times already," said Kai proudly. "Don't worry. It'll go off without a hitch. As long as you all cooperate, I promise everything will go smoothly. Beatrix and I will take care of it."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," said Malcolm sarcastically. "Surely a human will do a splendid job of all of this."

Beatrix let out a growl. "I wonder, if you're keen on being left behind, hmm? We're trying to help you. Otherwise, I can put you all back to sleep and Kai and I will be on out merry way with the last of the Bennett blood. Then, you can rot in here for all eternity."

The Heretics were silent. Nora cast Malcolm a stern look, and he leaned back in his seat, glancing at Beau and Oscar for support, but both seemed to be on board with Kai and Beatrix's plan, and were in no mood to argue.

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