Chapter 45

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Upon arrival, Beatrix pulled Stefan into the St. James Infirmary.

"Welcome to New Orleans, old friend," said Klaus as he came up to the two. "As I live and breathe. Stefan Salvatore in the Crescent City. This ought to be very good, or entertainingly bad."

"Well, as you know, I've been marked by Rayna Cruz," said Stefan, pulling his shirt down to show where Beatrix had bandaged him. "Hate to disappoint. How are... Elijah, and uh, whoever else you've brought back from the dead?"

Klaus smirked. "Oh, you know the Mikaelsons. Never a dull moment." He clapped Stefan on the back. "Let's get going, shall we? We need to see a witch."

He grasped both Stefan and Beatrix's hand and sped them back to the compound, pulling them into the upper lounge where Freya and Elijah were speaking. "Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend."

Elijah looked amused, but Freya seemed murderous. "One of my trickle-down sirelings," Klaus continued. "Long story. Stefan, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister. Also a long story. Stefan needs a favor, and I have an idea of how this may come to be of use."

Freya glanced at Stefan suspiciously. "You're an old 'friend,' are you?"

Stefan shifted awkwardly on his feet. "Well... that kind of depends on your definition."

"A paste, Freya," said Beatrix as she showed the mark of the Phoenix Stone. "Please."

"Fine," said Freya, grabbing Stefan's arm and yanking him out of the room.

Elijah glanced at Klaus. "Pray tell, Niklaus, what is this idea of yours? The prophecy continues to unfold and yet you invite Stefan Salvatore into our home."

"Stefan Salvatore is not the problem," said Klaus sharply, pulling Beatrix out toward the staircase, as if he had not intended to share his idea with his brother. "But, if you are so determined to find foe amongst friends, then look no further than Marcel. After all, did he not steal Jackson's heart and deliver it to the very people bent on harming us?"

Beatrix winced. "I tried to come up with an alternative..."

"Marcel is the least of our troubles," said Elijah impatiently, apparently already aware of what Beatrix had been trying to do before. "The Strix would still be clamoring over Hayley's heart if it weren't for Marcel."

Klaus held his hands up in exasperation. "And now Aya and her mob are free to break the sireline. You know, we've had many glorious enemies over the years, brother, but if they sever their link to us, then they will all come for our heads."

He turned to Beatrix. "This is where you come in. You are to sabotage the spell, and Stefan Salvatore will help you."

"What?" she said. "How— why— if you wanted to sabotage the spell, you could have told me earlier on so I wouldn't have helped Davina complete it!"

"Call her now," said Klaus, crossing his arms. "See where they are at. Stefan can be used as a distraction or as a blood source to interfere with the spell. Or, you can test something on him and figure out how to change it another way. He'll be glad to be of service."

Beatrix frowned and pulled out her phone, dialing Davina's number. "Beatrix," she answered. "I was just about to call you. Aya... doesn't want you showing up."

Elijah and Klaus both made an enraged face as Beatrix gritted her teeth. "What the hell does that mean? First they torture me to join the coven and now, after they use me for a spell, they don't want me there? I thought the point was for it to go off without a hitch!"

"She thinks you're compromised. That's all she said. I have to go now. Lots of preparations to be done."

She hung up, and Beatrix nearly snapped her phone in half. "Something is wrong," she said lowly. "Aya knows that I have more experience than all her witches. They're planning something." Her phone began to ring again, and this time, it was Hayley.

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