Chapter 24

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Beatrix left soon after.

Her talk with Jackson had made her think, and when one typically wants to think, they draw themselves away from the crowd.

She crossed over from Algiers and back into the French Quarter. Aimlessly, she moved down Decatur St., remembering how in the prison world, she and Kai had made this walk many times. Sometimes, they'd race. Other times, they'd sit on the ground, away from each other, and just take in the beauty, hoping it would provide some ease in the distress they were feeling, not having known when they'd ever get out.

The phone flopped between her hands as she toyed with the notion of calling him. He'd almost insinuated that he cared for her. That he was attracted to her. Could sociopaths feel affection? Surely they could, granted all the Mikaelson siblings could probably each be labeled as sociopaths by at least one psychologist or psychiatrist.

It was bizarre for her to think of Kai feeling something for her. But the more she thought into it, it really wasn't so far-fetched.

They'd been stuck without anyone but each other for eighteen years. Though they often snapped at each other and killed each other, especially in the first years, things had calmed down. They had joked several times. Had deep conversations about things that weren't typically brought up in conversation. They were vulnerable in their tales and desires, and Kai had not brought up a wall when he told her about his childhood. He was abrasive, sure, and had a tendency for snarkiness, but at the end of the day he'd always bid her goodnight, and in the morning, he would seek to make conversation.

He wasn't always thankful, but he was honest in his sentiments, and did not fear communicating what was on his mind. She supposed someone who didn't know Kai as deeply as she did would hear his morbid jokes and make assumptions that wouldn't go away. There was no denying he was sadistic, and a murderer, and someone with very blatant disregard for human life.

But then again, so were many vampires, and people loved them. Damon had a girlfriend, and Damon had clearly done terrible things, especially killing a pregnant woman. Beatrix felt a shiver run down her spine when she thought about how Kai would be doing the same, soon.

Kai loved to laugh, and he was energetic. He was a diligent student when she'd taught him magic, and he'd ceased being overly cruel after he realized she wasn't going to treat him like crap. She wondered if maybe, had Kai not been neglected, he might have been a better person, more willing to open up and show his truly fun side. She wished it to be true.

She made the turn onto Ursulines Ave. and glanced back down at her phone. She could call him now, or wait until another day. Chances were, he might not pick up so soon after his confession.

And yet, she dialed his number.

She was greeted with a yawn. "What're you doing up at these late hours?" he inquired.

"Walking outside," she said simply, finding herself smiling when she heard his groggy voice. "It feels so fresh. I'm strolling through where we used to walk."

"What's on your mind?"

He knew her so well. Sure, she had not really hesitated to pour out her entire life story to him over the years. But even so, he had taken the time to get to know her. He understood her emotions better than anyone nowadays. He knew what mannerisms indicated which mood she was in. He could hear the slightest change in her voice that let him know she wasn't feeling good. He always seemed to know when she wasn't doing well, and he always brought it up, as if giving her an in to talk to him about it.

"Hayley and I almost tore each other's faces off, you know."

"I'd have paid to see that kind of fight. No doubt you could beat her. She's a hybrid, sure, but her nature is wolfy. Yours is witchy. Vampire natures aside, you'd tear her apart."

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