Chapter 46

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When they pulled away, there was silence.

Elijah and Hayley were pretending they hadn't seen anything. Klaus's eyes were closed, and Beatrix brushed her palm down the side of his face.

"Sorry," she whispered. "Should have warned you."

He smiled, remaining in the blissful moment. "Don't be silly, love." He managed to get to his feet, apparently feeling a bit more energized. "Well, I've got to handle Aurora. Make sure she suffers."

"You should rest first, brother," said Elijah.

"No, I will be quite fine," Klaus assured him. "Make sure the Strix are all dead. As for you." He pulled Beatrix up. "You—"

"Wait." Beatrix turned to face Marcel, who was picking up the unconscious Davina. "Please, I just need one favor."

"Marcellus, is this really the time?" said Klaus impatiently.

"Yes, it is," he said. "Davina is going to be really angry with me for ruining this for her. Do you think... you can get Kol back?"

"Yes, I think so," said Beatrix. "I know the spell and I have the power it takes. I'll do it at St. Anne's— Davina has his ashes there."

"Thank you," said Marcel before speeding off. Beatrix moved over and picked up a small flash, dipping it into the pool and collecting the blood of Elijah and Klaus.

"Love, what are you doing?" asked Klaus.

"I'm going to bring back Kol," said Beatrix gently. "For Davina. He deserves to be back, don't you think? A Nexus Vorti was created with this, and I can use it to bring back your brother."

Klaus opened his mouth, but Elijah spoke for him. "What Niklaus means to say is thank you," he replied.

"Yes, thank you," said Klaus. "Beatrix, I will await you when you return to the Compound."

"Sure," she said, smiling at him as he left. "My turn to go. I assume you can clean up here?"

Hayley nodded. "We'll finish off the rest of the Strix. Go ahead."

Beatrix nodded in return and sped off, arriving soon after at St. Anne's Church. She closed the door behind her and went to set up a salt circle, creating runes and sigils into it and sprinkling a few herbs in the center. She set candles up around the salt, humming and waving her hands over the area to prepare the area. "Pripravit iiedad laboro pyinsain, nexus vorti aistiemal."

The candles ignited. She went to the nearby table and took the silver urn of Kol's ashes, setting it into the middle of the circle. She took out the flask from earlier with the blood of Klaus and Elijah, and poured it into the ashes, letting the lid of the urn sit beside her.

"The blood of two brothers, the ash of their dead," she murmured. "The blood of two brothers, the ash of their dead."

She hummed once again, closing her eyes as she waved her hands over the urn. "La sangre de dos hermanos, la ceniza de sus muertos. Le sang de deux frères, la cendre de leurs morts. La sangre de dos hermanos, la ceniza de sus muertos. Le sang de deux frères, la cendre de leurs morts—"

A strong gust of wind had begun, roaring in her ears as she continued to chant. She sensed movement, and cracked open her eyes, yanking at one of the sheets on Davina's bed and throwing it at Kol right as he appeared.

"Bloody hell, why did you have to appear naked?" said Beatrix, getting up.

"Well, I dunno, Trix, maybe it's a rebirth thing," he chuckled as he wrapped the sheet around his waist and stood up. "You should know, you're the doctor."

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