Chapter 16

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Cami was the best psychologist that Beatrix had ever met.

This statement was probably biased, since Cami was the only psychologist Beatrix had gotten to know, and the only one she'd been to that knew of the supernatural world.

Beatrix and Cami had a private and very lengthy therapy session (with input from a very happy Hope, who babbled and held onto Beatrix as if understanding that she wasn't feeling well. The Heretic actually found it quite helpful to speak to Cami. She was a good listener and she didn't seem judgmental at all when she went into her relationship with Klaus or Elijah. She made her feel acknowledged, and it felt good for a modern day shrink to give her advice. Beatrix found that she rather liked Cami, and she could sense that Klaus had most certainly taken a fancy to her as well.

Within the day, they were already fast friends, and Cami had shown Beatrix more of what she could do on her phone.

"See, there is this thing called Twitter, and you can post things— what you're thinking, how you're feeling— it might be a good outlet," suggested the blonde. "And you can make friends on there, too."

"Hmm, I like that," said Beatrix.

And so she had made a Twitter account. It was rather strange, at first, since she had to give so much information about herself that she didn't really have, but once everything got settled, she decided on the username @ heretrix1684, which Cami thought was rather clever.

In the evening, the two women gathered up some food and made a simple meal, but were not joined by Elijah, who'd been avoiding them all day. Instead, he remained in the living room, looking out the window, as if he had no intentions of eating.

"I'm going to check on him," said Cami as Beatrix bounced Hope on her hip, waving her wands delicately in the air to make the plates wash themselves.

She left the room, and Beatrix listened in. At first, nothing seemed wrong, but suddenly, Beatrix heard Cami's heart begin to beat very rapidly, followed by a pleading cry for Elijah to calm down.

Beatrix set Hope down carefully and sped to the living room, shoving Elijah off of Cami just as the black veins bulged beneath his eyes. The vampire staggered back and sped away right after, not eager to have any sort of discussion with Beatrix.

"Are you alright, Cami?" asked Beatrix, leading her back into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she breathed, though she looked shaken. "He's clearly worried about Rebekah..."

"I'll call Klaus to get an update," she said, scooping Hope up and pulling out her phone, dialing his number.

"I'm assuming Elijah has either wrecked the place, or you miss me," said Klaus, sounding mildly amused the instant he picked up.

"Oh yes, Cami, Hope, and I are pining right now, and we might lose our heads if you don't return to us," she replied dramatically. "Elijah's not doing too well. And from what it sounds like, Rebekah is still M.I.A. So... what's the game plan?"

"I am going to question Kol shortly— I've been dealing with something else. I will update you all on what I discover, soon. That is, if my bastard of a brother is willing to tell me the truth right away. Not to worry, love, I'd prefer if you and Camille remain with Hope for now. We will find Rebekah."

They had waited for another few hours before Klaus chose to call in an update, and when he did, it was to Elijah, who was outside on the porch. Cami crept out to listen, but Beatrix was able to hear the conversation perfectly fine from her spot on the couch, Hope now sleeping in her arms.

"I need you to trust me," Klaus was saying. "I can handle finding Rebekah."

"Brother, you are asking me to do nothing," said Elijah impatiently.

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