Chapter 15

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Their arrival to New Orleans put the plan in motion.

Beatrix cast a preliminary spell over Rebekah while Klaus checked in with Kol, Marcel, and Davina, who Beatrix was eager to meet. They then drove to Lafayette Cemetery, having Rebekah go in first, alone.

At first, Klaus and Beatrix simply waited in the car. The Heretic had climbed into the passenger's seat and leaned back against the door, tucking her legs up into the seat and remaining fairly quiet. She noticed the hybrid glancing at her every now and then, but she did not speak until he let out a loud huff.

"Yes?" she asked, looking back up at him.

"There is something on your mind," he noticed, raising an eyebrow and half smirking as if he had solved a complex puzzle. "I know you, Beatrix. You cannot keep that mouth of yours shut unless your life depends on it."

She debated between denying it, but there was no point. All she felt was pain. Once, long ago, Klaus had been her outlet, as she had been his. Between heated moments of passion where they'd sought to forget everything but bliss, words had passed to keep them both from losing their minds, because there was a time when they could only be open with each other. Therefore, she straightened up and let out a soft sigh. "What is there between Hayley and Elijah?" she asked quietly.

Klaus laced his fingers together, pausing a bit, perhaps to listen if Rebekah was in danger. He then turned to Beatrix. "They did have a fancy with each other," he stated. "I am not sure they ever acted upon it. But there are feelings. I am aware of that."

She slowly nodded her head. "Okay," she said quietly. "So I was not wrong in that."

"He will be better soon," murmured Klaus, leaning his own head back. "I know my brother is not in his right mind. Perhaps at the moment he does not remember you the same."

"The last thing I want to do is break them apart if they developed a romance, Klaus. I don't want to tear them away from each other for my own sake. It's different with Elijah and I. He thought I was dead."

"Not entirely. When my siblings were undaggered in Mystic Falls, Kol insisted you couldn't possibly be dead. Elijah heard him. That was far before he met Hayley. I do not tell you this to harm you, but rather to tell you the truth."

She gulped a bit loudly. "Yes... he told me that Kol had told him about that...." But she had never considered what Klaus had said. Elijah had heard Kol's theory before meeting Hayley. And yet, he did not wait. Beatrix had not expected him to— it would have been foolish, since there were no traces of her anywhere.

"None of us wanted to believe it," said Klaus, more gently than usual, seeing she looked stricken with loss, and pain. "We watched the fire raging and we never thought you and Marcellus could have possibly made it out alive. When we saw him again and he did not mention you, it was just confirmation of what we had thought."

"I feel hurt," she said. "I feel confused. I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this. It... It is a lot to get used to in such little time, Klaus. I've only just gotten out and already I'm being bombarded with... everything."

The hybrid sighed. "You are no stranger to the problems that always follow us Mikaelsons. I wish we could have acknowledged your reunion differently. New to this world and yet you're not given time to become familiar." He nudged toward her pocket. "Let me at least teach you to use that phone that you purchased."

That was how they waited for the right moment. Beatrix tried to absorb all the information that Klaus was feeding her. It was just so out of the ordinary for her to be set back like this. Usually, she was ahead, doing Klaus's bidding and gaining them an advantage from the shadows. She had been their secret weapon in the past, a witch who could perform all sorts of spells without many devastating side effects. Just a loss of strength, as expected from anyone, since she was certainly not all-powerful.

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