Chapter 54

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February 15th, 2018

When she felt the plane land, she woke up with a start.

At this point, she never bothered to stay awake during flights anymore. She was accustomed to sleeping the entire time, and she would wake up automatically when the plane landed, feeling the jolt as it hit the ground. She spoke to no one and ate nothing, because she wasn't going to pay for a first class ticket. Peanuts were enough if she was really starving, but she refrained from indulging in those.

For the past four years, this had been her life.

Beatrix, Hayley, and Hope had left New Orleans that night at the end of March and had not looked back. They had only stopped once at a diner to get food, but had kept moving immediately. Hayley had asked Beatrix if she knew of any safe houses similar to the one they had stayed at long ago. She had recalled one in Texas, and they had driven there, finding a quiet, abandoned house. Beatrix had fixed it up, and it had become their home. The coffins had been brought back to rest in the attic, where they could at least feel the presence of the Mikaelsons in their home.

As the years progressed, Beatrix had moved around often, though she always came back to their little house. Between going to school and looking for witches to yield cures, planes became a normal form of transportation, and at this rate, she was very accustomed to them.

She and Hayley took turns following leads on cures. The first year had been very hectic, as Beatrix had enrolled at Harvard for Medical School. Though she had the advantage of working very fast through the material with her reading speed and magic that could be used to absorb knowledge, it was still tedious to be moving all over the country trying to locate members of the seven wolf packs, and other witches who might know how to help Rebekah and Freya. Her hands constantly ached from taking notes and typing at terrible angles on her laptop to try and find maps easily, but she tolerated it, for the sake of her family.

Beatrix had finished all four terms of Medical School in one year in order to devote time to research. It had been an insane feat to learn so much and progress so far in such a short time, but she was easily able to compel her instructors to not see anything odd in it. She had graduated and gotten to start practicing right in Texas, so that she could be near Hope, who was already going to school and was proving to be very fun company for both Hayley and Beatrix.

Whenever she wasn't at home, coloring or running with her niece, Beatrix was in a lab or at the hospital she worked at. Though she did love treating her patients, she strayed away from her previous workload of constant baby deliveries, and had focused a bit more on learning laboratory procedures. Once they found the cures, her magic and the tools in the research rooms could prove useful in speeding up the process to waking up the Mikaelsons.

But it had taken far too long for the two women to find anything of use.

The years had rolled by with minimal leads as time went on, and even though Mary, Jackson's grandmother, was helping them, it became clear that it wasn't going to be the speedy process they had excepted.

Beatrix had tried to remain optimistic.

But even this was difficult. She hadn't spoken to Marcel since that fateful day when he bit Kol and Elijah. She tried to distract herself with Hope, focusing on helping her niece learn some basic magic so that she could be more in control of her abilities, though after awhile, Hayley had asked that she stop, because she feared someone might locate them if Hope didn't wear her anti-magic bracelet.

The Heretic was happy when she was at the hospital, but outside of it, she struggled quite a bit to bring a smile to her face.

She had dared only a few times to visit Klaus. Heavily cloaked, she had crept back to the Mikaelson Compound. But everytime she went in, she was blocked, and could not see him up close— or at all, sometimes. He was never lucid enough to respond to her gentle calls. Either way, she was terrified she'd be caught by Marcel, and that he'd kill him.

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