Chapter 43

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Beatrix had waited a few days to tell Klaus, which had, of course, gone very badly.

"Are you insane?" the hybrid roared.

"Yes, darling, thank you," said the Heretic wryly.

"You— they just— they just finished torturing you! You only just made it out alive! Absolutely not— absolutely not!"

"Klaus, I'm not actually joining!" insisted Beatrix. "I just want to protect Davina. She's desperate to bring Kol back and even after he told her the Strix spell was dangerous, she's insistent upon trying it!"

"She can bring Kol back another way, can't she?" spat Klaus. "You know more magic— have her do it another way! Davina Claire cannot stand anyone with the Mikaelson surname unless their first name is Kol. She will be used against us—"

"Not if I keep her safe! Marcel can make sure neither of us are harmed. Think— I could infiltrate the Strix now that Tristan is gone and I'll be much safer than I would have been before!"

Klaus thought it over, but did not look pleased. He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "One of the witches was killed last night. Elijah killed her."

"What?" she hissed. "Why?"

"She showed him a vision of the weapon. It— it's that little horse Hope adores playing with. It's made of White Oak."

Beatrix winced. "Oh... shit. Where is it now? You burned it, I presume? And you're whittling another for Hope as replacement?"

He looked away. "Camille has taken it," he admitted. He turned back to her. "You cannot trust them, Beatrix. I won't stand to see you hurt."

"I'll be fine," she insisted. "Don't worry. Just— focus on finding Cami, alright? I have to go to the Davilla Estate to see about that dead witch."

When she arrived, she found Davina already with the remaining Strix Sisters, standing over Ariane's dead body. Beatrix felt no sadness. She glared at the black robes the Sisters were wearing, and came closer.

"Who are you?" said one, who appeared to be the leader. Her brown eyes were piercing, and her wavy dark hair flowed down her shoulders as she removed her hood.

"Oh, now you suddenly don't know who I am?" she scoffed. "You Strix are confusing. I'm the Heretic."

The girl cast her a stiff nod of understanding. "Aya said you would come. You say you will not become an official member, but will be here with Davina."

"Yes," she said with a wry look. "Now, before we start with the 'bullying the new girls' routine, let me remind you that I'm older than all of you, meaning I'm stronger than you when it comes to magic, and I'm also a vampire, meaning I can move quite quickly. I know many of your spells already and how you make them, along with magical practices from other Covens all around the world. Don't underestimate me, or I'll rip your throats out."

"We weren't planning to," said the girl, though she didn't look pleased. "I am Madison. I am the leader. We follow my command." She looked around at the Sisters, and they arranged themselves all around Ariane's body, ready to channel her.

Beatrix didn't need to ask what they were doing. Clearly, they wanted to figure out what she'd learned about the Mikaelson's that'd caused Elijah to kill her. Sitting between Davina and one of the shorter Sisters, Beatrix linked hands with them, and they began to chant.

"Ak ti ves de kono. Ak ti ves de kono. Ak ti ves de kono. Ak ti ves de kono...."

It did not work, and Madison grew aggravated. "We're getting nowhere," she said. "Take some time. Gather your focus. We'll reconvene in an hour."

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