Chapter 42

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Their lips disconnected after a few moments.

Beatrix had her eyes closed. Klaus's palm came to her neck, and he sighed quietly, resting his forehead against hers.

"I'm not ready for anything more than this," she whispered. "I... I won't lie. I do want to, but it's... it feels wrong. I feel like I'm betraying Kai by moving on so fast. I still haven't forgotten the pain of losing him. I still haven't come to terms with the fact that I can't bring him back."

Klaus pulled away. "You and Davina seek to bring back Kol," he said quietly. "Why not him? The last thing I want is to stop you from being with the man you desire. It may hurt me but I will not ruin you. I won't let myself."

"It-It's not possible. Kol died as a witch and he is in the Ancestral plane— he can be resurrected. Kai can't. And I don't think he should be. I just need time to feel better about everything, Klaus. When I'm ready, I will tell you. And if you're still interested, then I will come to you."

He offered her a small smile. "Take your time, love," he whispered.

At the funeral later, they did not discuss their exchange. Klaus and Beatrix stood near the back, behind the pack of Crescent wolves. Near the front, Hayley, dressed in black, was writing Jackson's name in the Labonair Bible. She stood and went toward the lake, where Jackson's body had been retrieved and wrapped in white sheets, resting on a wooden boat.

Hayley began to sob as she looked over the body, and out of instinct, Beatrix reached for Klaus's hand, squeezing it. He said nothing, but let his thumb graze over the back of her hand in a comforting gesture. Taking a bottle of whiskey, Hayley drank from it before pouring it over the body once she had finished whispering her goodbyes. She took a torch from Elijah, who had taken it from one of the wolves, and the body was set ablaze.

"Til death do us part," Beatrix heard Hayley whisper as the body was released down into the waters of the bayou.

Beatrix let go of Klaus's hand. "You should go check on Cami," she whispered. "She'll need you. I'm going to go pack a night bag... I think Hayley might need some company at her apartment tonight."

"Of course," he whispered. He sped away, and Beatrix moved forward as the Crescent wolves began to disperse. She came to Hayley and put her hand on her shoulder, rubbing her back gently. Hayley began to cry once more, and pulled Beatrix into a hug.

When she was ready to return to her apartment, Beatrix accompanied her. Wordlessly, she helped change Hope's diaper and got her ready for bed, allowing Hayley to go curl up on her bed. The Heretic went to peer out the window toward the Mikaelson Compound, listening to a distant conversation between Klaus and Elijah: Cami had transitioned, and Klaus had given her a daylight ring to use in the morning.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep," said Hayley's voice behind her. She turned, and saw that Hayley had wrapped her blanket around herself. She came to sit in front of the balcony, holding up a bottle of bourbon. "Drink with me?"

Beatrix offered her a smile. "Sure. I'll go get us a couple of glasses."

She returned with two, and Hayley poured them both a serving. They clinked their glasses together and drank.

The first few hours into the night, they did not speak. They took careful sips from the bourbon, listening to the sounds of the city. Hayley had her eyes closed as though deep in thought, and Beatrix did not think to disturb her. She entertained herself waving her hand over the bottle of bourbon, making shapes and little people out of the liquid, having them move around and do cartwheels inside the bottle.

"No wonder you turned your humanity off," whispered Hayley at around two in the morning. "This... is terrible."

"Don't think about that," said Beatrix sternly. "It's not the way to go. You have your little girl to think of."

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