Chapter 74

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They spent a week trying to find any solution.

But nothing was working.

They had been in the bell tower working on spells. Researching. Kol had contacted witches in other parts of the world, tracing the origins of Covens that might better know how to deal with dark magic. Beatrix had contacted Bonnie Bennett and Valerie Tulle for any input. They agreed to be on standby, but there was nothing anyone seemed to be able to come up with.

And so Beatrix started to put her affairs in order.

"What are you doing, Itza?" Elijah had asked the day after the wedding when he found her sitting on her bed surrounded by papers.

"I'm fixing up my legal documents," she said. "Settling anything I need to from Medical School and work. I've made my will so that anything I own— which isn't much— will go to Hope and any children that the others have."

He sat down at the edge of her bed. "Why? What are you planning? Be honest with me."

"I'm going to get The Hollow out of Hope," said Beatrix. "And I'm going to put it into myself."


"I'm telling you this because I know that you'll understand. I have to do this, Elijah. After all this time, I know this is the right thing to do. This is my firm redemption after all the pain and suffering that I caused."

It was clear Elijah did not want her to go through with it, but after their conversation, he knew there was no stopping her. "What help do you need?" he asked quietly. "How can I assist you?"

"I need to enter Klaus's mind and give him a dream. An idea."

"What of?"

"We know that Hope likely won't survive the full moon. In that transition, she will lose her life. The Salvatore School knows how to help werewolves with their first transformation. I want him to think it was his idea to take her there. And I want him to think that he's going to put The Hollow into himself."

Elijah flinched. "You have lost your mind."

"No, I haven't. Think, Elijah, if he knows what I want to do, he'll subdue me and he'll sacrifice himself, and we can't have that. I know he's already thinking about it. In order to do the transfer, we need siphon witches. The Saltzman twins are our best bet, and I already proposed the idea to Valerie Tulle. She'll be in Mystic Falls to help. The four of us are the last siphons left in the world and together, we can safely remove The Hollow from Hope and put it into me. I want to make Klaus think that he'd be asking Caroline to get the Saltzman twins to help Hope. He'll help the plan move along. He'll need to help Hope transform first, and by then, The Hollow will be out and inside of me. I just need you to help keep this a secret from him."

Elijah had teared up. "Why... why would you..."

"You know why. I have to do this, Elijah. Please don't try and stop me. This is the right thing."

He sighed. "So be it. When are we going to do this?"


And so, when they found Klaus in his bed, tossing and turning, they did it. Elijah let Beatrix channel him as she entered the hybrid's mind, crafting a very simple vision. He saw himself taking Hope to the Salvatore School. Helping her transform. Speaking with the Saltzman twins. Feeling a blue light entering his body.

The instant Beatrix had put the dream in, she sped herself and Elijah back to her room. "It's done."

"What now?" asked Elijah.

"If he says anything to you, act like it's absurd. It'll only make him want to do it more, and if you agree right away, he'll be suspicious."

The rest of the week flowed in the direction that Beatrix wanted it to. Elijah was the only one who knew that she was settling all her affairs. She had Davina and Freya help her with some Soothing Spells that would prepare Hope's body to have The Hollow removed from it. Klaus still had no idea, but Beatrix could tell that he was thinking about the dream every waking moment.

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