Chapter 73

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Everything felt like it was falling apart.

Vincent's witches hadn't transitioned. They had died, and Beatrix had paid her respects.

She'd left Marcel while he was still grieving and took charge of contacting Davina and Kol, who were already on their way. That morning, Freya had let them all know that she and Keelin were getting married.

Hope was devastated, and she refused to let anyone see her. Klaus had gone to talk to her, but it didn't seem to have gone well.

"Where are we going?" asked Elijah as Beatrix dragged him up to the attic. "Are we going to speak about—?"

"No, we're not talking about what you saw in my mind yesterday. Everything is going to shit and I'm going to be busy today, so I'm leaving you here to look through the stuff that Hayley left behind because I think it'll be healthy for you. Don't think I haven't noticed that you're holding back the emotions that need to get out. I won't have you lose yourself just like everyone else. So keep yourself occupied, I'll be back later."

He caught her arm before she could leave. "And where will you go?"

"Well, for starters, I need a dress for the wedding. Secondly, I'm going to go pick Davina and Kol up from the airport to take them to the apartment they have here so that I can help Davina pick a dress from the ones she brought."

That was how Beatrix coped nowadays. In the past, she went on rampages. She acted like a monster. Now, she occupied her mind to not leave herself room to think of all the troubles that plagued her day in and day out.

"Thank you for the ride, Trix," said Kol as Beatrix held open the door for him and Davina to bring in their bags. "My, I never thought I'd see this place again so soon. Belize has been treating us very well."

"I've never been healthier," said Davina, though she looked sad. "There's so much to do and the environment just makes you feel in control of everything."

"Not to mention my wife has a friend group of some very talented witches, though she of course, is the most talented," said Kol, passing by Davina and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Davina came toward Beatrix and hugged her. "It's good to see you again. After everything..."

"I know," she whispered. "And I'm so sorry."

"I-I should have come to visit him again. I was so wrapped up in the life that Kol and I made over there..."

"It's not your fault, alright?" said Beatrix. "Don't feel like you're to blame."

There was a knock on the door, and Kol went to open it. "Hello, brother," came Klaus's voice.

"Well, that's a suspiciously warm greeting," observed Kol.

"Paranoid as usual, I see. But don't worry, it's not you I'm looking for. Beatrix told me you brought Davina with you. They're still here, aren't they?"

The witches came back to where Klaus could see them. "Well, then, it must be important if you're asking me for a favor," said Davina, hands on her hips. "I'm in mourning, if you even care."

Klaus walked past Kol and into the apartment. "I'm sorry, but it's about Hope. You recall the blackened veins that Beatrix gets? She has them. We thought we'd expelled them when we had her unleash the magic, but they're back, and today, I noticed a new line on the back of her neck. I've only seen it spread that far on Beatrix once before, and it was because The Hollow willed it to be so. I need— I just need you to do anything you can to solve this. I need to know exactly what it means."

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