Chapter 18

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When they arrived to New Orleans, Beatrix thought her biggest worry would be figuring out what to wear for Hayley's wedding.

As it turned out, there were more things to worry about.

"Bloody hell, this same number has called me three times in the past five minutes," said Beatrix, glaring down as her phone rang. They were at the after-party following Hayley and Jackson's ceremony. The Heretic had been standing off to the side, just drinking wine with a very forlorn looking Elijah.

"Usually, when the same number calls several times, they expect you to answer," he said from beside her, glad to discuss anything but the bride and groom.

"Well, they aren't leaving voicemails and I don't know who it is!"

The Original chuckled. "Perhaps it is the friend you were messaging earlier."

"That's impossible, unless I got hacked and Twitter gave away my phone number. Ugh, fine, I'll answer it..." she picked up the call. "Who is this?"

"Finally you answer, Trix!" came an unfamiliar voice. "I've been trying to reach you!"

"Who is this?" Beatrix repeated.

"It's Bex! Klaus gave me your number. You need to get here right now. Lafayette Cemetery, the Claire tomb. Bring any grimoires you have."

"All my grimoires have been long gone," huffed Beatrix. "What's going on?"

"Kol is dying."

The statement made Beatrix stagger back, nearly dropping her glass to the floor. Elijah caught it swiftly, furrowing his brows. "I-I'm on my way," Beatrix said shakily, hanging up and speeding off.

It didn't take her long to get to the Claire tomb. "Hello?" she called. "Bex? I'm assuming you're here with Davina? And— oh crap."

Sitting in a chair was Kol, his mortal body looking weak, and covered in sweat.

"What the fuck happened?" she hissed, rushing to his side. "Kol— you're all pale... who did this to you? What's going on?"

"Finn hexed me," he said weakly. "Trapped me in this body and I'm dying."

Immediately, Beatrix put one hand on his forehead, and one on his chest. Beginning to siphon. Kol gave out a grunt of pain, squeezing his eyes shut. There was a sound like the cracking of a whip, and Beatrix flew back, hissing as her hands burned.

"Finn's blocked me from siphoning it away," she grumbled. "He must have put that spell when he was still channeling Mikael."

"We have to do something," said Davina desperately, coming closer and holding a book in front of Beatrix. "What about this? Transubstantiation. We can combine it with a protection spell."

"Finn's spell blocks that," said the woman that Beatrix assumed was Rebekah. Definitely didn't look familiar. "The body calls it, and then he dies. We need to jump him into a new one."

Davina let out a frustrated groan. "We can't just pick another body at a farmer's market, we don't even have a spell for that!"

"We can try to take the hex off another way, but it will take a lot of power, and there is no guarantee it will work," said Beatrix slowly. "I worry that Finn covered his tracks too well, and he's thought of everything we could do. We'd need more ancient magic to counter him, but only Rebekah is as old as him. And even then, you didn't study magic while he was daggered."

Rebekah bit her lip. "Isn't there anything dark you could try, Trix? Kol always did say you had a better aptitude for that."

"I could try it," she said. "Please, help me set up candles and salt around him. We also need something to sacrifice."

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