Chapter 6

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May 2nd, 2012 - AKA - May 10th, 1994

Neither was sure at what time they felt it, but it was what got them to leap out of the bed.

"You sensed that too, didn't you?" Kai said urgently, a wicked grin on his face. "I got that feeling..." He stumbled back to get dressed.

"Let's check it out," she said, slipping out from under the covers and darting into her closet.

"If we have guests, you should just stay naked," Kai called, making her groan as she closed the door behind her.

How had she even gotten to this point?

After that day that she and Kai arrived in Mystic Falls, things had changed. They'd actively spoken, and there was a different sort of tension between them. Then, one night, he'd gone for it, because Kai Parker always got what he wanted, and despite the lack of an attachment to her that would suggest he cared, he couldn't hold back from his urges.

At first it had been awkward the morning after, they had acted far too casually. Then, it had been Kai who made the move to speak quite openly about it, and soon, the awkwardness faded. There was only lust, from both sides. Whenever they weren't out getting groceries for the smaller house they chose to stay in, or practicing magic out in the forest, they were at it.

It was ridiculous how much stress it relieved. Beatrix had made an offhanded comment at one point that they should have just done it in the first place. Kai had laughed sadistically and stated that he had felt no lust before, just the desire to murder her. They left the conversation at that. In fact, they never really discussed their arrangement at all. They just slept together some days. Some mornings, like today, he was still in bed beside her, either asleep or watching her sleep and likely fantasizing about how he could kill her without waking her up. Other times, he'd leave as soon as he finished, and she wouldn't see him for hours at a time. It was always about what he wanted, and Beatrix chose not to argue. Sometimes, however, it just made her miss Elijah. He had always cared about what she wanted, about pleasing her because that, in turn, would please him. Kai just took, he was selfish, and he objectified her. However, the mutual benefit was what kept Beatrix there. It helped them cope.

"Hurry up in there," Kai demanded. "We need to link and do the spell to find out where we need to go."

Beatrix sped to get dressed, slamming against the door as she tried to do it faster, but she was still barely awake. She came out in the simplest of outfits and went to him. He yanked her arm, siphoning already as they walked outside. They reached the front lawn of the house and linked hands, facing each other.

"Sangina signum, signum sequitas mutatio. Mittere nobis, trahentium sanguine. Sangina signum, signum sequitas mutatio. Mittere nobis, trahentium sanguine."

There was another sharp pain, and the two kept their hands linked, chanting again.

"Sangina signum, signum sequitas mutatio. Mittere nobis, trahentium sanguine. Sangina signum, signum sequitas mutatio. Mittere nobis, trahentium sanguine."

A bright light shone from both of their abdomens, reddish pink, and glowing for a second, before the light switched off, making the pain a bit harder to ignore.

"I feel it," Kai said when they finished. "It's like my gut is yelling at me to walk... in that direction." He nodded to what was behind them. "That way. Something is that way."

Into the forest. Beatrix nodded, and she let her body carry her, the blood inside her pumping into all the right places to ensure she walked in the direction that would get them their answers.

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