Chapter 32

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At first, all she'd done was stare.

She'd watched the body fall, and she'd been in far too much shock to say anything. On its own, her body had sank down to its knees, her thighs shaking. Damon had ran past her to Bonnie, and within seconds, they were gone, likely to get Bonnie's injuries treated.

That's when she'd let out a scream.

It was loud, blood-curdling, and so anguished that the entire building had shook, and the rooftop split open. Beatrix wasn't paying attention to how much she was damaging the place. The ground was shaking furiously, and rubble was falling all around her, onto the dead bodies strewn all over the place. The wall in front of her had been the first to burst to flames as she kept screaming, her chest having been holding in so much emotion already that she was letting it all out without much conscious thought.

When she finally stopped screaming, she started to cry.

Sobs wracked through her body, and her vision blurred. Shaky hands reached toward the body, and she grazed her fingertips over his chest, swallowing hard as she looked at where the head had been cleanly sliced off. Clumsily, she placed her palm over his chest.

Why was she shocked that there was no heartbeat?

She whimpered and dropped down, another flood of tears streaming out as she lay her head onto his chest, clawing at any part of him that she could, as if he weren't there, as if his body was merely an illusion. The real Kai had to be somewhere else, maybe having been pulling a prank on her.

And then she'd looked at the head.

Her face had turned and she caught sight of it, severed and staring right at her, the eyes still open, and blood leaking steadily out of where the neck had been cut.

"K-Kai," she whimpered, struggling to draw breath. "K-Kai— oh— o-oh God—"

She crawled over to him. Her legs didn't seem to be working properly. Everything was blurry and she could hear her own heartbeat resonating in her ears to a painful extent. She reached for his cheek but withdrew her hand, looking down to see her fingers were somehow drenched in blood now.

Another scream.

"NO!" She'd cried out, scrambling back in disbelief. "NO! No— no— fuck— oh God— this isn't happening— NO! NOO!"


She'd whirled around, her face stained with tears as she beheld the police officer that'd apparently arrived at the scene. All around her the building was still burning and yet she hadn't taken notice of it. Blue, red, and white lights were flashing outside, and it was only making her vision more hazy.

"Are you alright?" said the officer, coming forward. "Oh— oh—" he had seen all the bodies at long last. He raised his radio, ready to call it in. "I-I'm gonna need—"

He hadn't been able to finish. Beatrix was too angry, too confused, too distraught. She'd hissed and tackled him to the ground, wanting to feel some sort of control, wanting to find a reality that wasn't this. She'd sunk her fangs into his neck and ripped out his throat within seconds, leaving the body limp, and joining the pile.

She'd stood, eyes wild, blood dripping down onto her dress. She wasn't even sure when she'd lost her shoes. She started to breathe heavily, looking all around, still crying and still unable to breathe properly, but somehow, she hadn't yet fainted.

"I'm gonna kill them," she whispered to herself, her hands shaking as she looked down at them. "I'm gonna kill them.... I'm gonna kill Bonnie... kill Elena... kill Stefan.... then Damon...."

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