Chapter 8

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As usual, Beatrix was not happy to see Kai.

"I thought you were going to stay in the store," murmured Beatrix.

"Yeah, I was, but then I had another idea. Wasn't a bad thing I came out, either. Now we know what year it is out there. Took them long enough to discuss that." He leaned onto Beatrix. "Do me a favor, Trixter. Make me visible for a few seconds. I'll speed past behind that truck over there, have them both clearly see me. Then you can go put another quarter into the merry-go-round. We'll get their attention back to the store. Then, you'll drop the spell on me again, for good. You'll be on standby if I'm in imminent danger— we don't want them to know yet that neither you or I can die. Now, I have a little addition... I want you to knock me out. Help them a little bit. Let them think they're in control. They might torture us... but we'll act casual. Let me lead the conversation."

Beatrix gritted her teeth. "Fine. But only because I know you'll leave me behind otherwise."

He dared to press a kiss on her cheek. "Good girl. Now, the few seconds." He jogged back near the truck he'd been pointing at. She waved her hand, releasing the spell momentarily as he sped past to hide behind the tarp on the truck. Both Bonnie and Damon caught the movement.

"Did you just see that?" Bonnie asked, looking mildly anxious.

"I did that time," Damon confirmed when Kai sped past again, an indiscernible blur. "Let's go meet our little friend."

Just as the two made their way to the truck, Beatrix resumed the spell. A now invisible Kai clapped and went into the store. Beatrix released the spell on him once more, as he was now hidden inside.

Bonnie and Damon, meanwhile, were confused because now, no one was there. "It was behind the pickup," Beatrix heard Bonnie tell the vampire beside her.

"No. It was in the front," Damon argued.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Absolutely I'm sure. It was right there."

The tarp on the truck fluttered in front of them, and both Damon and Bonnie looked crestfallen. Beatrix took the time to go and pop another quarter, turning the carousel back on.

That just gave rise to another argument. Clearly, Damon was convinced that this was all just coincidental and that they really were alone. Bonnie was insistent that they needed to be hopeful— that this definitely meant that someone else was in there with them. Beatrix just rolled her eyes and went into the store, where she found Kai already munching on pork rinds in the wine section, seated comfortably on some patio furniture.

"They're arguing again," said Beatrix. "Damon most likely will come in."

"Good. You turned all the bourbon to vervain, yes?"


Kai smirked. "Now, stay quiet. He'll be in here soon."

Right on schedule. Damon, looking incredibly displeased with life, came down the aisle, looking for a particular bottle of bourbon. There was a moment when Beatrix thought he might be too angry to register any sound, but soon, she saw the twitch in his face when he heard the incessant crunching of Kai enjoying pork rinds.

He moved forward slowly, and only stopped when he saw Kai, lounged back. Thankfully, Kai had allowed Beatrix to cut his hair, so he looked somewhat presentable.

"Rough day, huh, Damon?" Kai spoke up, making Damon's eyes widen, as if he previously thought he'd been hallucinating. "Sorry. Manners. I'm Kai— nice to meet you." He tilted the opening of the bag toward him. "Pork rind?"

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