Chapter 71

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If Beatrix were still as temperamental as she used to be, she would have strangled Hope.

She awoke on the floor of St. Anne's Church. Around her, people were moving. The first was Kol. Then Rebekah. Marcel. Klaus and Elijah. She sat up, and watched as Elijah began to sob. Confused, she looked down at herself. There were no blackened veins on her arms.

Hope hadn't put The Hollow into her.

"Beatrix," said Marcel, coming to her side. "You alright?"

"She lied to me," whispered The Heretic. "I-I thought..."

"I know..."

He helped her to her feet and she brushed off her clothes. Kol cast her a look and waved before leaving. Rebekah glanced at Marcel before taking her leave as well. Klaus seemed to want to console Elijah, but he couldn't find the words. Marcel aided Beatrix in standing straight until she moved past him and went to kneel beside Elijah as he desperately grasped onto one of the pews, trying to breathe.

"N-No," he gasped when he saw her. "I-Itza, no..."

"Shh..." she caressed his back. "It's okay. I'm here."

"I-I don't... I don't d-deserve..."

"Yes you do. Everyone deserves comfort, Elijah."

"N-Not me..."

She cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs caressing over his cheeks. "Elijah, listen to me. There is a lot I would love to be angry about. A lot I could blame you for. I could hate you and I wouldn't bat an eye. But that's not how this is meant to go. This wasn't your fault, Elijah. After all these years, I have learned to be more open minded. To be patient. I... I get it. You wanted the pain to go away and I can't judge you for that. I did the exact same thing when I turned my humanity off. I killed my sister and so many other innocent people. I did that consciously, and all of you forgave me for it. So don't torment yourself for what you did when you didn't remember. This... is going to fucking suck. You're going to struggle to cope and that's normal. Hope will not forgive as easily. But even she will understand that this wasn't your doing. It was another version of you. One that didn't love as deeply as the real you. The real Elijah. I forgive you, Elijah. And you deserve to have any comfort that you need."

Shaking, he started to sob again, and she pulled him into a tight hug, caressing his back and closing her eyes as he grasped onto her like he was afraid that she was an illusion. That the real her wouldn't be so forgiving.

But she had changed. She understood others and their pains. She knew how to let go. How to look for better and tell who is trying to be better. And she knew that no matter what, deep down, this was not Elijah's fault in the slightest.

"I-I destroyed her," he gasped. "I destroyed H-Hayley. I tore a mother f-from a child. I b-brought harm to her. I s-swore I would always protect her..."

It was clear that Elijah would not be so quick to absolve himself from blame.

They returned to the Compound and he locked himself in his room immediately.

Hope was waiting in Beatrix's room. "Aunt Trix," she said shakily, looking drowsy but otherwise fine. "I-I know what you're going to say."

But the Heretic said nothing. She went straight to the girl and hugged her tightly, beginning to cry.

"Why?" she whimpered, rubbing her niece's back. "You— you've seen how it's hurt me. It hurt you so long ago. Why... why would you do this to yourself? My sweet girl, the last thing I w-wanted was for you to be harmed."

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