Chapter 51

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Marcel was the first to get to her side.

"Beatrix," he said urgently. "Are you alright—?"

"No!" she managed, shaking her head and looking around. "No— Cami— Davina—" She grabbed Marcel's shoulders and shook him. "We have to get Davina! Kol is going to be forced to kill her!"

Marcel frowned. "No— Kol left, so that he wouldn't have to listen to the Ancestors— he's gone."

"He isn't!" Beatrix cried, staring at him intently and refusing to look at anyone else. "We have to go before he kills her— he won't realize what he's doing!"

She could see Klaus had joined the group and was making his way towards her, but she held her hand up to stop him. "Stay away from me!" she said shakily. "Marcel—"

"We're going to go check on Davina, then," said Marcel, taking Beatrix's hand and speeding her away.

But they were already too late.

The St. James Infirmary was quiet aside from the sounds of small sobs. There was Kol, on the floor, covered in blood, cradling the lifeless body of Davina Claire. He had tears running all down his face and his eyes were puffy.

"What are you doing here?" said Marcel in a deadly voice to Kol.

Kol whimpered and let go of Davina as Marcel moved forward to examine her. Her throat had been torn out, and she was rigid and pale. "The A-Ancestors had a h-hold of me," sobbed Kol, shaking his head. "I-I was out of my head. I never w-would've hurt her— I tried to m-make it stop. I m-made her dagger me— N-Nothing worked!"

Marcel wasn't having it. He sped to Kol and shoved him back across the room. The Original didn't try to fight. He let himself lay on the ground, shaking his head in disbelief. "I l-loved her," he panted. "I s-swear, I did..."

"Get up," Marcel snapped. "Get up! This is New Orleans. Witch spirits can be brought back from the dead, so that is exactly what we are going to do. We are going to bring her back!"

He turned to Beatrix, who moved forward and picked her up, setting her on one of the tables. "Call Vincent," she said, looking down at the girl's face and forcing herself to stay calm. "H-He needs— he needs to b-be here—"

Marcel stepped out to call him, and Kol forced himself to stand, though he couldn't look at her body. "T-Trix," he stammered. "Y-You have to b-believe me... I-I wasn't in c-control."

"I know," she said softly, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I know... I know..."

"W-Where were you?" he asked quietly. "W-What happened?"

"Lucien," she muttered. "He told me what the Ancestors were planning. He killed Cami. They made you kill Davina. I'm the next target. Soon... they're going to come after me."

"No," breathed Kol, stepping away. "No— no— I won't let that h-happen!"

"Kol, you won't have a choice in the matter. Let's focus on Davina right now, alright?"

He nodded weakly, and sat down hard in the chair beside the table. "This is all my fault... I never should have put her in such danger... I s-should have told you all the t-truth... you m-might've been able to put me to sleep to stop the s-spell..."

"That wouldn't have worked," she sighed. "The magic of all the Ancestors would have overtook mine easily. It was different when I got put to sleep to ease my madness. You weren't there for it, but it was the only thing that helped. It was a different situation."

"I failed her, Trix. I w-wanted to protect her and all I did was hurt her... I killed her... I fucking killed her..."

"Kol," she said, taking his hands in hers. "We're going to bring her back. We will. I will do everything in my power to retrieve her."

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