Chapter 58

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They had followed Beatrix's plan.

"I'm going to put a cloaking spell over all of you," she said. "It'll seem like I'm alone, and no one will be able to sense you're there. If we run into one of Marcel's little minions or Marcel himself, it'll seem like it's just me, and it should be safe. Josh is working at Rousseau's now, I think, since I last popped in, and we can use that to access the tunnels. You'll still be able to see and hear each other but I won't be able to see or hear you. Do me a favor and don't talk shit on the ride there."

"No promises, Trix," said Kol with a smirk as she turned around and cast the spell.

For her, the ride had been calm. At some point, someone had turned on the radio, so she had assumed that they'd chosen to stop talking at that moment. She hadn't minded. It was safer this way, and it gave her time to drive in peace. She didn't get to do that often.

They had gotten into the New Orleans borders, and Beatrix had let out a quiet sigh. This was it. They were going to get Klaus and free him, at last, and then get the hell out of there.

She wondered what he'd think when he saw her. Would he be bitter? Calmer? She had been mostly calm after her month with the Strix, but for him, this was five years. Even her time in the prison world wasn't as terrible as whatever Marcel had put him through.

She'd driven into the French Quarter and squeezed the steering wheel anxiously. No one would recognize the car, but anyone could be watching her, and someone could recognize her. She tried to ward off negative thoughts and drove calmly to Rousseau's, parking at the front.

"This is going to be complicated," she said loudly, "but you all need to get out fast through my door and go stand on the sidewalk. I'll just pretend to be leaning on my door and checking my phone. Whoever is the last one out, brush up against me so I know I can close the door."

Somehow, it worked. She had gotten out and held the door open with her knee, pulling out her phone. She heard distinct 'whoosh' noises and at last, someone brushed past. She calmly closed the door and opened the door to Rousseau's, hearing the whooshing again as they presumably moved in past her, but no one in the vicinity noticed. She saw Josh behind the bar, cleaning some glasses.

He was surprised to see her. "Beatrix," he said. "Wow— uh... are you popping in to visit?"

She leaned onto the counter and smiled. "Sure. Let's get everyone out of here, shall we?"

He was perplexed, but didn't question her. He ducked behind the bar to put the glass away then pretended to gasp loudly. "Oh no," he said a bit awkwardly. "I think there's a gas leak— can everyone get out quickly?"

The customers didn't inquire further. Josh ushered them out quickly and Beatrix let up the cloaking spell as he closed the door. He turned and saw the Mikaelsons and flinched. "What the—"

"I'll keep it simple," said Beatrix. "We're here for Klaus. In, out, half an hour tops, no need to cause a problem. Don't intend to hurt anyone."

She faced back and saw that Rebekah was not in the group. Kol shrugged. "We told her she should have tried to tell you first, but she thought it was a good idea to go speak with Marcel."

The Heretic sighed loudly and put her hand on her forehead. "Alright. Well—" she turned to Josh. "Can you move that freezer unit back there so we can access the tunnels? Pretty please?"

Josh looked conflicted. "Fine, but only because of the 'pretty please.'"


Kol crossed his arms. "Are you absolutely certain we're looking in the right place?"

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