Chapter 1

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May 10th, 1994

They always told her that she had a thing for being in the wrong place at the one time, but she had never believed it.

Why would she? She came and went as she pleased. No one had ever stood in her way. In three hundred and ten years that she'd been in this world, with all the absolute bull she endured, it was uncommon for Beatrix La Salle to consider herself unlucky at all. In danger, sometimes? Certainly. But this was another level of it.

"Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum."

The man on the ground was letting out enraged, pained screams. The girl standing over him looked both worried and thankful, which struck Beatrix as odd. A man stepped forward, holding a gadget that Beatrix had never seen before, and that was considering that she had helped create numerous magical objects- especially dark ones. The man held it over the younger male on the floor, who twitched, yelled, and held his head in his hands as if his brain was being blown into pieces within his skull.

She couldn't concentrate. She was already barely conscious, heavily bruised, probably pumped full of vervain. She was being held by someone much stronger than her at the given moment. She could hear the person's heart thumping rapidly. Tachycardia, but not to a dangerous extent. She could hear the heart beats of the others who chanted as well- united in an anxious rhythm. They were thirsting for this- whatever it was- to work. They wanted the man on the ground to suffer.

"Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum."

Then, just like that, he was gone. The girl leapt back. "It's done," said the man with the gadget, bringing it down slightly. He nodded to the girl, who turned and ran out of the woods. The other people there turned their gazes to Beatrix, whose own heart hammered in her chest.

Six months. Six months she had been a prisoner, and this was her first time seeing any sort of daylight since Christmas morning. She should have told Marcel she was coming to New Orleans instead of choosing to surprise him. She should never have taken back her magic. She should have cloaked herself at least, rather than bet that the French Quarter Coven wouldn't recognize her. That time, perhaps she had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Hurry up, the eclipse will be over soon," the man huffed. The person holding her shoved her forward, onto the ground. Beatrix was too weak to move. But now, as she looked up at their faces, she could remember who they were.

"Fuck you," she gasped hoarsely, glaring up at them with hatred. "You stupid Gemini Coven members... I swear... I will make sure to end you..."

They ignored her. "Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum."

She let out a terrified scream, holding her bruised abdomen and curling up, her sides burning. As they continued to chant, it felt like the her eyeballs were being ripped out of the sockets. Beatrix's body thrashed back, sprawled on the dirt. She screamed again, her throat being ripped raw. Her head pounded with a storm, her chest was about to explode. And she had thought that being around the Mikaelsons brought her more suffering than what she could handle...

"Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum."

A final cry of absolute devastation tore out, causing her to taste blood in her mouth. A bright light assaulted her retinas, and the back of her head seared with fire. For a few seconds, she could see nothing, but when her body relaxed and her vision cleared, she was right where she'd been before, except the members of the Gemini Coven were gone.

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